Quaint shops and a fight?

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Loki takes you deep into the heart of the city. There are quaint little shops down every street, with tall, fluffy green trees on every corner, old style gas lit lanterns, flowers framing every store front & grey cobble stoned paved roads. There are happy people passing by saying hello and greeting you with a smile. Most were shocked but delighted that Loki, the future King of Asgard was among them.

Patrion: Excuse me, Price Loki? May I speak with you a moment?

Loki: Excuse me my dear, Duty calls. (chuckles) wait here. (He winks at you) How may I be of service my good man?

Patrion: My name is Albert Benedict. And please sir, we, the community would like to know if there is anything we could assist you with. We would be more than delighted to help your excellency.

Loki: Oh, how delightful. Actually, there is one thing. Do you see that stunning, gorgeous woman standing there?

Albert: Yes, your Highness.

Loki: Albert, she is to be the future queen of Asgard. I expect her to be treated as such. She is needing a whole new wardrobe, one fit for a queen. Do you think everyone would be willing to sacrifice some time to make her feel at home?

Albert: Yes, your highness. (Albert turns around and claps his hands in the air) Come on everybody, let's make our future Queen feel right at home! Come M'Lady. (Offers you his arm & nods at Loki) Your highness.

Loki: It's quite alright my dearest. I will follow.

Loki follows you and a small group of villagers into the poshest store in all Asgard. You see golden gowns covered in red jewels, silver gowns with purple jewels, every color you could possibly think of, they have it.

Albert: My Lord, what color shall the queen cast as her signature color?

You: Signature color? (Staring at Loki)

Loki: Yes, my pet. Each one of our Queens have chosen a color to be her signature color. You will have dresses and gowns and all the clothing you desire in that color. No one else will be aloud to wear that color inside the palace walls. Unless instructed to do so for grand events and parties, things of that nature.

You: Did you pick out your color?

Loki: Yes, I pick this bright green.

You: Lime green.

Loki: Beg your pardon?

You: Lime green, that's your color. That's the name of what we call it back on Earth, or Midgard as you referred to it.

Loki: Lime green.....I don't like that name.

You: (Chuckle) What would you call it? Bright green?

Loki: No, I shall think of something more fitting.

You: So, since your color is green, does that mean I have to choose green as well?

Loki: No, my dearest. The Queen has her own color flock. Her hand maidens, servants, everyone who she requires will only bare a symbol of her color. They are marked for your service. And when our children are born, they will be a mix of my color and yours. Only the eldest son will take my place as King.

You: Your eldest son? What if we have a daughter first? Will she not be queen?

Loki: No. Only a son of the king may rule.

You: Not if I am going to be queen, my love. I believe a woman can do the same job if not better than a man at certain umm.....things.

Loki: Hmm, (laughs) Oh my pet, you will be a handful. But, I will obey your every command, as long as it doesn't interfere with my rule. (winks)

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