Blimey, now that's Mjolnir

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Loki conjures up some clothes and makes a run for Bucky. Just as Loki dives for James, you are jolted awake out of your slumber and begin breathing heavily. You begin looking around realizing you were dreaming. Just then Loki comes out of the shower all slick and clean with a towel around his waist.

Loki: Darling, are you alright?

You: Umm yeah. I was having a dream. Freaked me out a little bit.

Loki jumps on the bed and puts his hands on his chin and smiles.

Loki: Tell me.

You: No. It's weird.

Loki: Darling it was just a dream. Go on tell me!

You: Ok. But don't get mad.

Loki: I won't, tell me.

You: Ok. Well, I was sleep in my dream and James came up to me and began kissing me and whatnot and you came running out and you tackled him and that's where I woke up.

Loki: James? Is he haunting your dreams? (laughs)

You: I've never had a dream like that before it was just weird.

Loki crawling up to you and laying next to you.

You: Oh, my love, I'm so sorry for everything you've been having to endure.

Loki: It's alright my love. This is just something I need to realize it comes with being King. I do feel better now that I'm here with you.

You: I know now is not the time to ask, but do you think, maybe, we can.......

Loki places his finger over your lips and proceeds to kiss you, slowly, and passionately while he runs a single finger down your lips, down your chin, down your neck, to where his hands meet your chest and continues to run down to your crotch. He reaches down slowly and seductively into your panties and can feel the warmth rising. He slowly takes his fingers, separating your covered treasure and begins to flick and rub your eager button. You moan with pleasure as his hands produces a fast and steady pace. He can feel your wetness along his long slim fingers eagerly awaiting his touch. He kisses you deeply and glides his fingers into your wet sticky tunnel. He slowly rubs the inside and plunges deeper and deeper. You start to slowly buck your hips and start to twitch. Loki smirks at the site of you enjoying yourself. You begin to feel that old familiar feeling in your stomach. You clench your stomach and try and hold back as much as you can. But he begins to kiss your neck and you can't hold back any longer. You explode with excitement and get embarrassed and begin to blush. Loki bites his lip in excitement and starts to slowly undress you. He trails down your body with sweet soft little kisses, caressing your face and breasts, he kisses every last inch of your body and crawls his way back up to your face and begins to kiss you as he positions himself in between your legs. He holds you tight and looks deep into your eyes and slowly inches his way into your core. You let out a gasp and inhale a deep breath because you were not expecting the size of his manhood. He pushes into you gently and begins to push in and out while looking deep into your eyes and holding the back of your neck. Still blushing and flushed you look away, but somehow pulls you back into his gaze. He guides your legs up and around his back and caresses your legs all the way down to your hips, where he grabs you and pulls you up into his lap. He moves to the edge of the bed where he grabs your plump ass and lifts you into the air. Walks over and places you against the wall, where he lifts your arms up and pins you down. With your legs wrapped around his hips and your arms pinned against the wall, Loki starts pumping faster and faster. He grunts and growls in your ear, leaving little whispers of "my dirty girl and yes, my pet" behind. You get even more wet and excited when he says these things to you in his low sultry voice.

You: Oh God Loki, don't stop.

Loki: Yes, my dirty girl, you like this. Tell me...

You: (straining to talk) Ohhh God yes, yes I like it.

Loki: Now my pet, you will feel every inch I give you.

Loki pulls you away from the wall and throws you against the couch.

Loki: On your knees pet! Obey your King and get on your knees. 

He grabs your left hip and grabs a hand full of hair with his right and rams his rod deep inside you. You let out a loud moan and squeeze the back of the couch. He continues to buck and ride you harder and harder. He slaps your ass and pulls your hair. With every push you can feel him go deeper and deeper hitting your spot and making you weak in the knees. You begin to cream all over his shaft which makes him stuff you even harder. He begins to growl. You arch your back and he pulls you to his chest, reaches down and starts playing with your swollen clit while he still rides your ass hard. While his left hand is occupied, he moves his right hand to your throat and squeezes. You reach behind you and grab Loki's hips. He whispers in your ear.

Loki: Cum for me, my dirty girl.

You can't speak, and he squeezes your throat a little more, and rubs your clit harder, which sends you over the edge. You let out a loud moan of pleasure and cum all over his steely rod. He then pushes your face into the cushions of the couch and fucks you harder. You can feel him engorging, getting ready to burst. You lift your head and moan and moan. You start bucking your hips and start milking his harden rod. He grabs your hips and suddenly he fills you with his warm seed. He lets out a guttural moan and slumps on top of you. You both fall to the couch, catching your breath.

You: Oh my goodness, Holy shit. Wow

Loki: I'm sorry darling, I can usually go longer.

You: Are you crazy? That was, I mean, I came like, oh my god!

Loki smirks and looks at you naked on the couch.

Loki: Well, my pet, looks like I need another shower. Care to join me?

You: You go ahead and start the shower; I just need a minute.

Loki heads towards the bathroom in all his naked glory, and you can't help but stare. You stay on the couch trying to catch your breathe when suddenly Louisa walks into the room.

You: Louisa!!!

Louisa: I'm so sorry mum' I thought you'd be sleeping. I'm sorry mum'

You grab a throw blanket from the couch and cover yourself up.

You: Its alright, just knock next time.

Louisa: Truly sorry mum'. I brought you some breakfast and some fresh towels and linens.

You: Thank you Louisa. Now would you mind?

Louisa: Of' course not mum'. On my way!

Louisa turns around to see Loki walking out buck naked.

Loki: (looking down) Darling, do we have.....(screams)

Louisa is frozen for a slit second and can't help but stare at the king's member. She grabs a towel, tosses it to him and he quickly wraps himself in it.

Louisa: I'm sorry sire, I brought fresh towels and breakfast, also to let you know that the site is ready sire. Prince Thor has been placed by your parent's tree. I will take my leave. Your highness.

Louisa walks out the living room doors and pauses for just a min.

Louisa: Blimey, now that's Mjolnir. Whew.... 

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