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🦋chapter 3:excuse to talk to you🦋

On the next day it was pretty busy. The winter break was coming, so there were a lot of tests coming up. Y/n, of course, wasn't bothered by this facts, cause she knows most of the stuff they study. Baji on the other hands wasn't so calm, in fact he was in panic.

"Man, what I'm going to do?", he was repeating himself over and over while walking from left to right. Y/n was watching him with a big smile on her face. Baji was so nice and so smart, he was just to lazy to unlock his potential. Maybe this was the only thing she didn't like about him, "maybe I should ask Chifuyu to tutor me or something, he is smart too".

"Wish him luck, you are impossible, when it comes to tutoring", y/n chuckled. She tried to tutor Baji once, but he just didn't wanna listen to anything. He was too busy laughing at a random dot on the floor in her room.

"I should ask him. He has English now, so I will wait for him there", Baji picked up his backpack and started walking away, but then he turned back and waved at y/n, "bye, nerd, see you at lunch", he shouted.

Y/n waved back at him and she got out of her bag the manga she was currently reading. It was The promised Neverland (the manga is really good, thrust me on that one) and she put her earpods in. She played her favourite song and started vibing by herself.
Right at that moment Hanma showed up at the gate of the school building. He wasn't very enthusiastic to go to class, but he immediately changed his mind, when he saw y/n sitting by herself on a bench right in front of the building reading a book by herself. She doesn't look like the type to skip class, so I'm guessing she has a free period, Hanma though to himself and started walking up to her slowly. He got the pack with wipes out and stood in front of her.
Y/n didn't even realised someone is standing right in front of her. She was so caught up in the story, she barely noticed the tall guy in front of her. Hanma waited for a minute or so and then waved to her face. Y/n finally put her book down and got one earpod out. Before she could say something, Hanma threw the pack in her lap and mumbled "thank you" before trying to walk away. Y/n finally raised her head up to see him.

"Hanma-san, wait up!", she quickly picked her stuff up, put them in her bag and ran up to caught up with him. Hanma looked at her with surprise, usually girls as popular as her, or as smart as her, doesn't wanna be seen with him, because that means ruining their reputation, but y/n didn't mind. She actually walked right next to him and even looked at him, "you know you didn't have to return them, right?".

"Nah, I don't wanna feel like I own you something, cuz I don't", Hanma said with his cold attitude. Today is appearance was slightly different. He was wearing his usual street style outfit with the white jacket, but his hair was down and it looked good on him like that. His white shirt with buttons on the collar, his earring, the hair down look and the tattoos, he looked attractive today.

Hanma noticed, that y/n was staring at him, and not in a secret way

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Hanma noticed, that y/n was staring at him, and not in a secret way...she was staring staring, so he stopped forcing her to stop too. Y/n made 2-3 more steps and stopped, then she turned her head back to him. "What are you staring at?", he asked her.

"Your hair..it looks better, when it's down like that", y/n smiled at him making Hanma feel his guts going crazy and not in a bad way, like it used to be. It felt like what people call 'have butterflies in your stomach'.

"You think?", he got his fingers thru his hair pushing her back a little and smiled, "well, maybe I will stop styling her then".

"That's good, Hanma-san", y/n turned her back and continued to walk thru the entrance of the school. Hanma didn't want to follow her, but his body was moving on his own. They both get inside together and the boy immediately feels how everyone's eyes are in them. He thought that this will be the moment, when y/n will pretend like she never talked to him before, but he was wrong. Instead of pretending, y/n actually turned back to face him, "are you coming, Hanma-san?", she asked leaving everyone in shock.

"Yeah, in a second", Hanma stopped for a while to just hear what the people have to say and they had a lot. 'Why is y/n with that guy, how do they know each other, what's going on here, is he forcing her', Hanma immediately got irritated by the little chit-chatting, so he decided to skip first period. Without saying anything to y/n anymore, he turned his back on her and walked back outside of the building.

After some minutes y/n turned to see, if the tall guy is still following her, but he was nowhere to be found. She started walking around and to call out his name, but Hanma disappeared. Where did he go? Y/n stopped in her tracks and once again looked around her. Did I said something wrong to him?

"Y/n!", a familiar shout was coming from the end of the hallway, the girl turned her eyes to Mikey, who was waving at her, and Draken, who was just smiling. They got closer to her and Mikey hugged her, y/n hugged him back.

"Hey, Mikey-kun", y/n said and looked over at Draken, who just nodded at her as hello, "have you seen a boy? Around 6'4" tall?".

"What's him name?", Draken asked.

"I believe it was Hanma".

"HANMA?!", Mikey immediately changed his expression from happy to murder in my mind, he looked at the poor girl making her feel kinda uneasy, "did he do something to you? Are you okay, is he bullying you or something?".

"No, no..nothing like that".

"Then why are you asking about him? You know he's not good news, right?", Draken said.

"You know..never mind. Maybe he just went to the bathroom", y/n let out a small sigh and continued to talk to the two blondes about the usual stuff.

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