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🦋chapter 17:betrayal pt. 2🦋

Baji and Chifuyu decided to drive Hanma home, because his situation was really mad and he can't get home by himself. Not in this bad condition. Poor guy, Chifuyu thought to himself and looked at Hanma, who was about to throw up at the back seat, he almost got SA and he's fucked up. While Chifuyu was trying to be understanding, Baji didn't felt bad for the guy, even tho he knew the situation too. He thought that, if Hanma wasn't that bad, he could've cheated with no hesitation.
Hanma threw up three times before the guys finally reached his house. They got him out of the car and Chifuyu rang the doorbell, while Baji was holding Hanma bride style.

"There's no one home", Hanma spoke and got out his key out of his pocket. Chifuyu unlocks the door and the three guys walk in.

Baji puts Hanma on the couch, while Fuyu was trying to get him in shape. He was washing his face with cold water and tried to make him throw up one more time. Maybe that will help him to get on his senses.
While the two guys were trying to get Hanma back to life, Emma and Draken were in front of y/n's house. The girl walked out and slammed the door behind her. This was the first time Emma saw her friend that mad. Y/n got inside the car and Draken started driving. Emma got her phone up to call Baji and see if Hanma is still at the party. Baji picked up immediately.

"Where are you?", Emma started right from the point, she didn't waste any time.

"In Hanma's house", Baji sounded pretty scared and his voice was shaking, "Chifuyu is also with me and we have a problem".

"Yeah we know. We are coming", Emma said before ending the call.

Baji didn't even thought about the cheating thing, because he was pretty sure they are coming, because of Hanma's condition. He walked back in the living room and saw that Hanma was now sitting on the couch. He looked better and he was coming back to his usual self. Chifuyu gave him more water to wash the smell of vomit out of his mouth.

"What a messy night", Baji put his hands on his head and let out a sigh. Only if he knew it's about go to even messier.

Someone started knocking very aggressively on the door like he was about to break it. Hanma got on his feet and somehow got to the door, he slowly opened it to reveal the face of his girlfriend in front of him. Her eyes were swollen and she looked like she was about to cry. Hanma noticed it and got closer to her face asking her: "baby, what's wrong?". He still had blood on his face from Baji's punch, but he didn't feel anything, and his breath smelled like alcohol and vomit. He leaned on the door for a support and got closer to y/n smiling at her.

"I'm going to tell you what's wrong!", y/n started screaming on him and walked inside the house followed by Emma and Draken, "you are a liar, Hanma Shuji!",she turned to him

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"I'm going to tell you what's wrong!", y/n started screaming on him and walked inside the house followed by Emma and Draken, "you are a liar, Hanma Shuji!",she turned to him.

"W-What? Why are you saying that?", Hanma walked up to her and tried to calm her down, but y/n pushed him back causing him to fall on the floor.

"You cheated on me, Hanma! Don't try to play dumb with me!", y/n continued to shout as loud as she can, while her tears were rolling down her face, "you lied to me, that you love me and then go and fuck other girls!".

"I didn't cheat on you? Are you crazy?", Hanma got up on his hands, but before he can reach for y/n's hand she pulled her phone out and showed him the picture Arisaka sent her. He looked at the picture and his eyes widened, "I didn't cheat on you. This picture was taken, while I wasn't in condition", he explained.

"Stop lying and admit I was nothing to you, but a toy to play around with!".

Everyone was listening to them, no one said a thing. Chifuyu didn't want to interrupt them right now and tell y/n that Hanma isn't lying.

"Y/n, I didn't cheat on you! Arisaka used me, when I wasn't in my right mindset, I would never cheat on you. And we didn't even do it, I pushed her away before Baji and Chifuyu came to the scene! They can tell you that...".

"I don't wanna listen!", y/n cut him off and got the ring out of her finger throwing it in his face leaving it to fall on the ground, "we are over! I don't wanna see your face ever again! You are death to me, Hanma Shuji! You are nothing, but a liar and manipulator. You really are hard to love and no one deserves this!".

With those final words y/n left his house and let her tears out. Emma followed her and Draken didn't had any choice, but to do the same. Baji and Chifuyu watched how Hanma fell on his knees and started crying like a baby. For the first time ever Hanma was vulnerable in front of anyone. He couldn't believe he lost the love of his life for something he didn't do. Chifuyu squatted next to him and put his hand on his shoulder trying to calm him down.

"I will talk to her", he said, but Hanma shook his head and pointed at the door.

"There's nothing you can do, except to leave me alone. I have to fix this mess on my own and I will somehow. But for now..let me be alone".

Baji and Chifuyu looked at each other. They left the house, as Hanma told them too and didn't look back. Hanma got up, got a cigarette out of his pack for the first time in a while and lit it up. He started smoking as fast as he can and let his tears roll down to his face. Shit, he thought to himself, what I'm going to do now?

 Shit, he thought to himself, what I'm going to do now?

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