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🦋chapter 25: adoption and dirty business🦋

After so many tries and talking it out, Hanma and y/n finally decided to give adoption a try, but it was really delicate decision. Mostly because, when they visited the first orphanage on the list..there were so many kids. Y/n wanted to take them all and love them, but Hanma said that they can feed all these kids, or not right now. It wasn't going to work out like that, they had to sit down and talk some more.

"Okay", y/n sat down in front of her boyfriend and put two cups of green tea on the table and some sweets, since lately she's been craving them a lot, "we should talk about what gender we want. Do we want boy or a girl?".

"I don't mind the gender, I just want it to be healthy to be honest", Hanma said and sipped from his cup, "but I kinda want to say a girl, since I want to raise one like..to feel the worry every father feels, when his little girls goes out on her first date", he explained.

"That's why I want a girl", y/n smiled and suff her mouth with sweets. Why am I feeling so hungry lately? she thought to herself and washed down the sweets with tea, maybe my period is coming sooner.

"Do you have any preferences about skin, hair or eyes, because I don't", Hanma asked.

"No, not really", y/n shook her head.

"Okay then", Hanma got up and started walking towards their bedroom, "tomorrow we can go to the next place on the list after i come back from work. Is that okay?".

Y/n nodded her head and Hanma walked inside the room to get ready for work. A spy, huh? Don't get her wrong, y/n didn't doubt her boyfriend, but something about his work is kinda odd lately. Hanma always leaves at the same time every day and is always dressed nice in expensive suits. He styles his hair and puts gloves on. Does his job requires that much looks? Is it possible for him to...no, no, no. It can't be, it won't happen. Hanma loves y/n and he proved it already. But still..I am really curious to see his work from up close.
That's why, when Hanma left the house for his usual night shift, y/n decided to follow him and see what's he doing all night. She hopped on her motorcycle Yamaha, put her helmet on and started driving after his car on a safe distance. I gotta know where the father of my future kid is going every night, she thought to herself as she was following him. Suddenly Hanma stops his car and gets out of it. Y/n stops her bike at safe distance behind an old halfway demolished house. Hanma was alone, he got out his cigarette and lit it up. He looks so different, when he works. It's like he had two different personalities. It was obvious he was waiting for someone. Y/n hide behind the house and watched her husband looking at his watch. A sound of muffler could be heard from the end of the street, Hanma turns his head to the location of the sound. Of course he knew y/n followed him, that's why he pulled up. He wasn't stupid. He threw the cigarette on the ground and stepped on it and started running towards the house. He stepped on a few bricks and he was right above y/n looking at her.

 He stepped on a few bricks and he was right above y/n looking at her

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(If you have problem imagining it, this is what I mean). Y/n felt her blood running cold as she looked up at her husband. Hanma didn't look too happy to see her, in fact..he was mad.

"You know, the curiosity gets the best of us sometimes", he said and stepped on the ground in front of her helping her get up.

"I know, I know. I'm sorry", y/n looked down and felt ashamed of herself. Hanma let out a chuckle and pinched her cheek.

"You're so lucky I didn't had to kill someone in front of you", he winked at her and y/n froze on the spot looking at him with fear, "chill, I'm not a killer, babe. Come on, I will take you to the office tonight", he gave her his hand and y/n gently put hers on top.

The two of them got into Hanma's car and drove to a big ass empire right in the centre of Tokyo. Y/n got out of the car and looked up at the fancy shiny building. Hanma waited for her to get back to reality, then they both walked inside. There were only males in this company and every single one of them was good looking, dressed properly and with some kind of tattoos on their bodies. Kisaki Tetta, a long time friend of Hanma, walked up to them with bunch of papers in his hands. Y/n haven't seen him since her and Hanma broke up years ago. He looked different...not in a good way of course, when y/n looked at his hair she was fighting with her life not to laugh.

WHAT IS THAT, mate? Go to your barber and tell him he's fired, because this hairstyle is not it

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WHAT IS THAT, mate? Go to your barber and tell him he's fired, because this hairstyle is not it. Hanma noticed y/n smiling and immediately catch what she was laughing at, so began to chuckle too.

"What's so funny?", Kisaki raised an eyebrow and looked down at the beautiful female, who was standing next to his friend.

"Noting, Kisaki-san", y/n put her hand on her mouth to cover the wide grin she had on, he was hilarious with that hair.

"Hanma, haven't we talked about bringing lovers to our work? We don't want anything to happen to y/n-chan, right?", he looks up at the taller male with annoyed face.

"You're underestimating my wife, Kisaki, she's one hell of a woman. I'm pretty sure she can get the job better than me",Hanma said proudly and y/n looked at him. This was the first time he called her 'wife'.

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