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                 🦋chapter 8:possession🦋

Hanma and y/n texted every day after their little date after the incident in the movie theatre a couple of days ago. They both were so happy to talk to each other, they did it for hours sending each other's memes, animals they think the other looks like, funny pics of them and serious deep conversations about life and past. Hanma opened in front of y/n a lot, he told her about his family, his childhood and why he's like this...rude, fights a lot and stuff.
It was Thursday, one day before their date and Hanma was really excited. He couldn't wait to see her again. He tried his best to avoid her in school to not bring her trouble with her little Toman friends, but when they see each other in the corridors of the school they will say hi to each other or smile. No one really knew they talk to each other and Hanma liked it that way, not because he was ashamed of her, in fact he was scared everyone will turn against y/n, if they find out they are friends..for now.
Hanma was walking with Kisaki, his friend, around the school building. He purposely decided to walk past y/n's classroom to see what's happening with her. Is her day okay? Him and Kisaki hit the main hall and walked to the second floor. Climbing the stairs and now they are only two doors away from her classroom. But Hanma didn't had to wait for long to see her. Y/n was right in front of her classroom with two boys from her class (I'm going to use characters from different anime for this role) that Hanma knew pretty damn well. One of them was Tanaka Nalu, a well known player and heartbreaker, who likes surfing and music. He had dark and soft skin, strong body and he was definitely hot, every girl thought he was the perfect guy to date, but they are awfully wrong. He only used girls for their bodies and then drop them, acts like a nice guy only till he gets what he wants and usually he gets it pretty fast. The look he threw at y/n disgusted Hanma.

His annoying smirk made Hanma's blood boil like a hot water

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His annoying smirk made Hanma's blood boil like a hot water. The other dude wasn't so innocent either. His name is Soichiro Moro and he was a well known player too, but the difference is that he was more open about his needs. He never gave the girls nice smiles and fake acts, he was acting like an asshole and he made it pretty clear every time. But the girls didn't seem to bother. They were all over the dude like he was a magnet.

The fact that these boys were around y/n really pissed Hanma

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The fact that these boys were around y/n really pissed Hanma. He started walking towards them hoping to heard their conversation. Y/n was too busy explaining something connected to their homework to even notice Hanma, but when he heard what they were talking about, he stopped followed by Kisaki, who didn't know anything. Hanma turned back and threw one glance over his shoulder. Tanaka noticed him and furrowed his eyebrows.

"Actually, l/n,you are wrong about that one", Hanma completely turned his body to face them and got the girl's attention. Y/n smiled at him and looked at the notebook, where Hanma was pointing at the math solution, "it's supposed to be ≈-0,446094 i", Hanma explained to her looking up at the guys. They didn't look pleased at all.

"Oh, you're right, Hanma-kun", y/n got out a pencil from her bag and corrected her answer immediately, then she raised her head to look at the boy, who was smiling at her, "you are really good at math", she smiled.

"I just pay attention", he moved his eyes from the girl to the two boys, who were still there staring at his soul. He decided to keep going, but he made sure to show the boys, that y/n was already taken, so he hugged her tight before continuing down the hall. I'm sorry, punks, but what's mine is mine. No one is allowed to touch my possessions.

Y/n was kinda confused, since Hanma was the one, who insisted they go slow and don't show their friendship publicly.
During class the two of them texted for the most part of the lesson. Y/n felt happy, that Hanma was in such a good mood today, so her mood was also bright and happy.


Do you have practice today, doll?
Who's going to walk you home?

Yeah, I do😩
And probably Chifuyu and Baji, why?

Idk, I just don't want some punks around you, it's pretty dangerous out there.

Are you worried about me, Hanma-kun

Ofc I am, doll
I don't want you to miss our hang out tomorrow🤍

I don't want that too
Where are we going btw?

What does your heart desire?

How about pizza? Dominos?
I'm down.
Ttyl, Kisaki is bugging me to pay attention.

Well, he is right. You should.
Bye, Hanma-kun 🤍

Y/n put her phone back in her pocket and continued to write everything from the desk in her notebook. She couldn't stop thinking about what she's going to wear for her hang out with Hanma. Should I ask Emma for advice? She thought to herself. She wanted to impress him, since her feelings for Hanma are getting deeper and she can't deny it. She slowly fell in love with Hanma-the hardest to love. Y/n suddenly felt another vibration in her pocket, she got her phone out and it was a message from Tanaka from her class. She raised an eyebrow.

Tanaka Nalu

Hey, y/n-chan, are you free after practice?
Maybe we can grab a bite?

I guess we can☺️
Waiting for you on the entrance after our club practice.

See ya, Tanaka-kun

Strange day. Tanaka Nalu from her class never played that much attention to her before. They aren't rivals or anything, they talk from time to time, but he never asked her out. I wonder what he wants from me, she thought to herself and continued to take notes.

Hard to love| Hanma Shuji x readerWhere stories live. Discover now