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                 🦋chapter 27: hospital 🦋

Hanma immediately drove y/n to the hospital for a check up. She was already awake, when they arrived, but he still wanted to see what had cost that faint. The doctors were so nice and did some blood tests to see what's up.
Hanma was sitting outside the laboratory and was searching in his pockets for his pack of cigarettes, that he left in his office during his panic about y/n. The doctor came out and turn to the man with a bright face. Hanma got up and looked at his with a worried look.

"So, tell me, doc, how's she?", Hanma asked and put his hands in his pockets

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"So, tell me, doc, how's she?", Hanma asked and put his hands in his pockets.

"Everything seems normal from her tests, she is in her best condition right now", the doctor started explaining and looked at the papers in his hands moving from page to page, "but there is something in her lower parts, that caused that faint. In her current state she doesn't have to stress and she have to be in complete relax", the doctor smiled from ear to ear, but Hanma didn't seem to catch what was he trying to say.

"Doc, I'm a simple man, can you explain this on English or should I get a translator?", Hanma rolled his eyes. Gosh, this guy can me really dumb some..most of the times.

"Your girlfriend is pregnant, mister Hanma, she is having a living organism in her stomach and that caused her to faint", the doctor told him and rolled his eyes.

Hanma couldn't believe what's he hearing right in this moment. I'm going to be a father, he thought to himself and jumped out of excitement hugging the doctor. The poor man was just doing his job.
The doctor explained to Hanma, that he didn't told y/n about her pregnancy, because he thought it would be better, if she hears it from the baby daddy. Imma scare her, Hanma put a big smirk on his face and walked to the room, where y/n was currently sitting in. He put a dead serious face on trying his best not to smile or laugh, and walked in. Y/n looked at him with a neutral face. She was so tired at this point and they took so much blood for these test, that she wanted to rest now. Hanma sat down and took her hand.

"You have one month to live", he said and squeezed her hand tight playing it off. Y/n got scared for real and she observed his face to see if he was lying. Hanma was a really good actor, if you ask me. As y/n was ready to cry her eyes out, Hanma started laughing and she looked at him with 'bitch imma kill you' face. "Chill, you aren't going to die. You're just pregnant".

"I knew you were lying you...wait..what?", she looked at him in disbelief and raised her eyebrow thinking he was lying again, but he wasn't this time, "wait..are you serious?".

"Yea, dummy. We are going to be fathers", he hugged her tight and they both started crying loud. And yes, I said 'fathers', cuz I feel like Hanma is the type of man, who will make fun of you that you're manly of shit like that. Or at least my humour is like that.

A/n-sorry that this part is so short, I'm just so caught up in college work, that I don't have time to write. Soon there are going to be a few more charapters before I finally end this book.

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