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🦋chapter 30: finale pt.2🦋

It was around 8pm and Yuuji still haven't got out of his room to eat. Y/n was getting really worried for him and began to regret that stupid argument they had in the car. But of course Hanma, the greatest husband of all times, was there to show her, that she made the right decision by having this argument.

"Honey, it's not your fault, I promise", he was sitting right next to her on the couch cuddling her tight pressing her head gently into his neck to calm her down, "you did the right thing, as you usually do. You care for our son and soon he'll appreciate it, but right now..his hormones are messing his brain up".

"Shuji, I don't wanna be his enemy and I want him to know that", y/n explained and let out a loud sigh letting the silence fill the air.

"I know, my love, I know. I was the same with my mom, when I was his age. Just give him a couple of years and he'll understand", Hanma squeezed her hand and then got up, "let me talk to him now. I know how to control the situation, let me handle it", he said and y/n had no other choice, but to agree.

Hanma walked up the stairs and stood up in front of his son's room knocking on the door. He heard the almost silent 'fuck off', that his son Yuuji said, but he chose to ignore it this time. Hanma pressed the door handle and walked inside. Yuuji was sitting on his bed with his phone in his hands and earphones in, he was planning to ignore his father, but it didn't work out. Hanma snatched the phone away and made Yuuji jump off his bed trying to get back his phone. Hanma waited till the boy calms down, then sat beside him. Yuuji looked at his father with respect. He didn't fear Shuji, because he knew he'll never hurt him, but he had respect, because he knew what Hanma used to be and how he became one of the most loved, respected and strongest person in Tokyo over 7 years. Shuji put down the phone and put his hand on his son's shoulder.

"I know that right now you're mad at your mom for something, but you gotta understand her point of view too", Hanma began to talk.

"What point of view?", Yuuji responded to his father with a little bit of sas, "she doesn't know what it feels like to be bullied, how can she help me?", the boy asked.

"Me and your mom can always help you no matter with what. We are the people, who are going to be by your side forever no matter if you're right or wrong, if you're good or bad, you are our son. That's our duty".

"It's easy for you to say it, dad, mom was the most popular girl and school and you were the strongest", Yuuji rolled his eyes, "no one could mess with you two, no chance".

"Yeah, I might've been the strongest, but I was also alone all the time, because everyone was afraid I will hurt them. Do you know who changed that?", Hanma smiled.

"Mom?", Yuuji said.

"Exactly. Your mom helped me, when I lost needed it and she continues to help me every day since we met. Compared to her, I'm one of the weakest. She wants to be part of your life, because she wants to help you too, if you need it. She loves you, so do I. We don't want you to look at us like we are the bad guys, because we are the only people you'll have till our last day on this planet. Please, let us", Hanma smiled once again and ruffled Yuuji's hair.

 Please, let us", Hanma smiled once again and ruffled Yuuji's hair

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Yuuji took a deep breath. He realised what an asshole he was to his mom and that it wasn't her fault, that these jerks mess around with him, she was just trying to help. So he decided to apologise. Hanma and Yuuji walked down to y/n, who was waiting patiently on the couch. She looked at her son with still mad expression, Yuuji walked up to her and gave her the apology she deserved. Y/n forgave him, of course and everything was good. The family sat down on the dinner table and Yuuji told his parents everything, especially about Jessica, the girl he has crush on. Since that day the peace in this family was their biggest priority and nothing can ruin this bond that Hanma and y/n created together.

Isn't it funny? How a guy can go from bad and alone to loving and social just because of one pack of tissues? If y/n didn't act kind that night what could've happened then? Would Hanma be the same as before? Would he met another girl to change him? I think not. Soulmates are too people connected by their love. Person has only one soulmate in his life and this is forever till the end. Even, when people are trying to ruin it, even if years past and you are no longer with that person, a soulmate stays a soulmate forever. Real love can't be broken. Hard times create strong people, strong people create easy life. Real love creates memories, home and family. If you find your soulmate-never let them go!

Thank you so much for reading this book! I hope you liked it as much as I enjoyed writing it. Thank you for the kind comments and for voting about it! See you in my next book. <3

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