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      🦋chapter 23: peak into the future🦋

After making up, Hanma and y/n decided to catch up for the last 7 years of their life. Y/n told him stories from Harvard, how hard it was for her and how she made new friends. Hanma on the other hand decided not to share any details of how he moved on from her, since he didn't want y/n to feel bad. Instead he told her what he really works and how he became so rich. Y/n was shocked.

"You are a spy??", she almost shouted and he put his hand over her mouth making her signal to be quiet. Yes, this is inspired by the new anime spy x family, the first episode came on and I'm already obsessed with it. You should give it a try. "But, what does a spy do?".

"Usually Kisaki sends me to find information about someone, but sometimes it can get pretty dangerous", Hanma explained to her and lean back ok his couch, "fight bad guys, you know, like cops do, but more effectively".

"That's dope", y/n's eyes were sparking. Her boyfriend was so cool.

And they didn't only catch up, but they decided to move to the next level, since it was no doubt they loved each other, so they moved in together. In y/n's place, of course, because she refused to leave her perfect home. Hanma had no choice, but to agree, even tho his house was bigger than hers and he wanted to have a family, you know, kids and dogs, cats, maybe a hamster too, but let's not cross the line.
They both got used to living with each other pretty quickly and got used to the other's life style. For example y/n's work was during the day, so she was fully 12 hours in her office working, now..with all that Mikey situation, she's even busier than ever. She works during the night too. Hanma's work revolves around night shifts and tasks, so he is something like a night owl. He comes back early in the morning from work and sees that y/n is still working on the Mikey case. This morning was one of them, in which she overworks herself...again.

"Babe", Hanma put his jacket on the hangers and put his shoes down, then he walks up to his girlfriend and hugs her from behind, "are you still working on that Mikey shit?.

"Yeah", y/n let out a deep sigh and looked up at her boyfriend to let her eyes rest from the papers in front of her, "the trial is soon and I need to be prepared for it".

"What's with that case anyway? What did he do to be sued?", Hanma opens the fridge and got out the leftovers from the pizza y/n ordered last night, then he made himself coffee.

"Apparently his Toman years caught up to him and now everything that he did is finally out on the light. Fights, people came out with stories how they got beat up..and they have proof too".

"What's going to happen with him?".

"I'll do my best, but I don't think he's going to make it out. He is going to jail for sure, but I can make the sentence lighter for him".

"I know you can", Hanma smiled at her and pet her on the head, then he sat down across her and got a cigarette out. He was still in his work clothes and he smelled like liquor. His glasses were down and his watch was shining under the light of the morning sun. I have the hottest boyfriend, y/n thought to herself and smiled.

Y/n have heard Hanma on the phone doing his job and she gotta admit-he can be pretty intimidating, when he's working

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Y/n have heard Hanma on the phone doing his job and she gotta admit-he can be pretty intimidating, when he's working. If he has a soft side at home, when he's out there he is deadly dangerous. He can kill with no hesitation and can leave you with nothing, if he has to. Y/n couldn't help, but wonder..if he was a spy all these years, did he know about her in Harvard and how was her life?

"What are you thinking about?", Hanma looked at her and his deep voice snapped her out of her thoughts.

"Nothing, it's just..I was thinking last night, while I was alone", y/n began and looked at him, her expression was serious. It made Hanma kinda worried.

"Oh, no", he put the pizza slice on the plate and mentally prepared himself for the worst.

"Shuji, do you see future with me?", she asked.

"What do you mean? I'm with you, right?".

"No, I mean...we are 26 years old and we have pretty good jobs, a nice houses, but..we are so close to that age, when we have to start thinking about kids, marriage and family. So, my question is..do you see yourself marring me and having kids with me?".

Hanma was kinda caught off guard, since he didn't really thought about this. But he didn't need time to think about it, "yeah, of course I do, y/n. In fact I see us with 3 kids in a big house with one cat, dog and a hamster, but ok let's not cross that line. And I see in 40 years into the future still together", he explained.

"What are their names?", y/n chuckled.

"The kids names or the name of the hamster, because I haven't thought about him yet", he laughed and hugged her tight, then he got closer to her face and put a kiss on her forehead, "to be honest I want us to try for a kid right now. I am ready to be a dad and I want to share it with you".

"We can try. I am ready for a kid too. It would be so fun to have a little one running around the house", y/n started imagining it. Hanma would be such a good father, right?

"And with my job I can be here most of the time and work from home. I can help you and stuff, everything will be alright".

"Let's do it then. Right now", she pulled him for a kiss and the two of them began to heat up so they moved to the bedroom. Yeah, I was thinking about writing a smut chapter, but I don't have the time, so..imagine it.

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