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            🦋chapter 10:couple activities🦋

"Of course I want to be your girlfriend", y/n hugged the boy tight and chuckled. Hanma was so happy, he picked the girl up and put her on his shoulder. Y/n was laughing and looking down. He was so tall, it look like she was on a mountain.

After making everything clear, the new made couple decided to y/n's house. Her parents were away on a business trip, so she would be alone for the rest of the month. It was still snowing outside, the weather was cold, but perfect for cuddles. Hanma walked thru the front door and put his shoes down. He started looking around and he was impressed. Y/n's house was really big and nice. It had the same girly smell, that y/n's clothes always smell like.
Hanma put his jacket on the hanger and then sat down on he sofa, while y/n was making tea and preparing snacks for both of them. Hanma felt the warmth of the house, like it was hugging him and welcoming him. He relaxed his body and leaned his head back on the little pillows put in the sofa. He closed his eyes and waited for y/n to be ready. While he was waiting Hanma fell asleep immediately. The fight kinda drained his body and this warm room was perfect for him.
20 minutes later y/n returned with a tray with two cups of tea and some popcorn. She put the tray down and looked over at her boyfriend. He was fast asleep with his hood on.

Y/n smiled to herself and grabbed a white blanket, that was laying on the other end of the sofa and put it over her boyfriend

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Y/n smiled to herself and grabbed a white blanket, that was laying on the other end of the sofa and put it over her boyfriend. Then she decided to go and take a shower, while she can.
She got up on the second floor and walked into her room. Prepared some clothes and undressed herself. She put a towel around her body to cover it and walked into the bathroom.
Hanma woke up some minutes after and he saw that y/n wasn't around. He sat down and grabbed one of the cups full with tea, when he heard a vibration. Looks over to the edge of the table and saw y/n's phone. The screen was facing Hanma it shows texts from Baji. He got curious, so he grabbed the phone and opened the texts.
Baji Keisuke

Me, Chifuyu and Emma are coming over.
You're not busy, right?

Not at all☺️
Good, be there in 30.

Hanma responded to Baji's texts, because he wanted to make him come here and see, that y/n is now in a relationship. Hanma got up and started running up the stairs to find y/n and tell her, but he didn't found her in her room, so he continued searching. He heard the falling water in the bathroom and smiled wide. Hanma undressed himself and put everything on y/n bed, then he slowly walked to the bathroom.

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Hanma opens the door of the bathroom and saw y/n washing her hair. The water was falling on her perfect skin, her ass was big and perfectly shaped, her boobs were just the perfect size. The boy couldn't help himself, but stay silent for a moment and admire this view and remind himself, that he is the guy, who has all of this. Y/n washed the shampoo off her eyes and now she saw him. She jumped off of surprise and covered her body.

"Han...I mean Shuji, what are you doing?", she asked and her face was now red like a tomato, y/n continued to cover her bare body, but the boy just smiled at her.

Hanma walked up to her and got under the water. His body was visible to her for the first time and it was really nice. Muscular body with a lot of bruises and scars. His hands were big and when y/n looked down she realised, that not only his hands were big. Oh, God! she thought to herself and her face became even more hot. She continued to cover herself, until Hanma gently got her hands by her wrists and slowly moved them away. "You don't need to cover  in front of me, y/n", he whispered to her ear and looked down once more. Her body was so sexy he wanted to have it right her and right now, but he also wanted to take his time with her, because he assumed she was a virgin.

Y/n nodded her head and tried to relax, but it was hard for her. Hanma put some shampoo on his left hand and rubbed it between them two, then he made y/n face the wall and slowly started to rub his hands against her skin. He put them of her shoulders, then slowly sliding them to her boobs squeezing them in his big hands. Y/n let out a moan, which made Hanma's member a little bit hard. He pinched her nipples and twisted them between his fingers, then he tuned y/n to face him and he bend down to suck them. Y/n was breathing heavy and she brushed her fingers thru his wet hair, while Hanma was admiring her nipples with his long tongue. He pinned her to the wall and moved down from her boobs to her stomach leaving marks on it. When he was finally on his knees he looked up at y/n. She was blushing mess and she was looking at him with eyes full of lust. Hanma smirked. "Do you want me to do it, doll?", he asked her and she nodded her head. Hanma spread her legs and put his thumb on the lips of her pussy rubbing them. Y/n leaned her head back and let out a small moan. She got even more wet, which made Hanma even harder. He massaged her clit with his big thumb and decided to go a little bit further. He sticks his tongue out and licks all of her juices slowly so every part of her girly parts can feel his long tongue. "Oh, Shuji", y/n moaned, she couldn't keep it inside. He continued to such her clit and pull it with his teeth gently, he was doing circles around it and with his too fingers she was holding the lips of it, so the clit can be more sensitive. "You are so wet for me, doll", he said and his tongue got back to work. Y/n was looking like a mess, she was biting her bottom lip and soft moans were filling the bathroom. Hanma decided to be even more extreme. He picked her up, pinned her to the wall so her pussy can be at the level of his face and he became to eat her out for real. Y/n felt her head spinning and every single thought left her mind. Hanma was moving so fast with his tongue, she could barely focus. The boy put his tongue inside of her and began to feel her walls tightens up, she was ready to cum. Before she can do it, he puts one finger and starts moving it till y/n came on his hand. He put her down and gets closer to her ear, "you are such a good girl" he said to her and kissed her passionately. His member was pocking her tight. Y/n looked down at it and began to fall on her knees, when suddenly they hear the doorbell. Hanma let's out a loud groan and rolled his eyes. Y/n got up.

"Who would that be?", she asked and got out of the shower putting the towel around her body.

"Forgot to tell you", Hanma continued to take his bath like nothing happened, "that dude Baji texted you, that him and more people are coming to see you", he explained.

"I'm sorry, but I have to go down", y/n looked at him. She still wanted to continue their little game. Looking at his member she was scared, but curious at the same time.

"Maybe after that", he winked at her.

Hard to love| Hanma Shuji x readerWhere stories live. Discover now