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🦋chapter 11: we are dating🦋

Y/n quickly got dressed and ran up to open the door. Baji, Emma and Chifuyu were standing on her doorstep smiling at her. She let them in and they quickly got comfortable.

"Took you long enough to open the door", Baji furrowed his brows and sat down on the sofa putting his legs up on the table in front. Emma sat next to him and noticed the two cups full with tea, but she didn't ask anything. Chifuyu sat on the floor and put the tv on his favourite show.

"Sorry, I was showering", y/n blushed a little bit, but she tried to hide it. She squeezed her tights together and remembered what was happening in her bathroom just a minute ago.

"New Years eve is coming, y/n", Emma looked at her with a smile, "what are your plans?".

"I don't know yet. Maybe I will stay home or go buy cake for myself and eat it all", y/n chuckled and got to the kitchen to prepare dinner.

Finally the winter break was officially on going and the students of Toman high can relax for a while. Y/n didn't had any plans yet, because her parents aren't going to make it back for New Years and now that  she's dating Hanma, she was hoping to spend it with him.
The three friends were sitting down watching their favourite show, when suddenly footsteps could be heard coming from the second floor, Baji and Chifuyu looked at each other. They knew y/n was supposed to be alone. They turn their heads to the stairs and when they saw him their blood started to boil. Hanma was dressed in long white shirt bigger than him, black shorts and his hair was down. He had a towel around his neck and his hair was wet. Y/n's hair was also wet. Baji clicked immediately and got up from his seat. He walked up to y/n, who was making dinner and Hanma, who was now sitting down with sofa in his hands.

"What's going on here?", Baji asked making both of them turn their heads to face him, he looked furious, "why is he here?".

"Relax, Baji-kun", y/n giggled and came closer to Hanma putting her hands around his neck and hugging him. He put his hand over hers and looked up at Baji with a smile.

Baji wasn't really smart, but he immediately caught up to the situation

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Baji wasn't really smart, but he immediately caught up to the situation. He jumped back making Emma and Chifuyu to look at them from the other room. Baji clinched his fists and his jawbone was moving from anger.

"Don't tell me..don't tell me you are dating this punk!", Baji screamed so loud probably the neighbours could hear him, "of all people you picked this dude right here? Really, y/n?".

"Baji, calm down", Emma stood and walked up to him trying to calm him down, but Baji pushed her back a little and walked to Hanma.

Hanma made a step back, because he didn't want any confrontation in front of his girl. When he thinks about the look she gave him, when he fought Tanaka, he doesn't want to see it again. In fact he wanted to change for her, to be a better version of himself for her, but Baji didn't see that. Baji saw only the grim reaper, who was ruthless and violent, he didn't want to see the man Hanma was trying to be. Emma noticed that the moment Hanma moved back and put his hands in the air. She saw that his body language was against the fight, so she stepped up and walked in front of Baji to prevent him from hitting Hanma.

"That's enough, Baji!", Emma decided to give him a piece of her mind, "I'm so tired of seeing you do this. You always get yourself involved in y/n's life and then you say that you protect her, but you actually stop her from growing. People have to make mistakes in order to learn and grow and you're not helping her!".

"Don't tell me that I'm in the wrong here, Emma, because I'm not", Baji shouted and Chifuyu decided to pull him back by the shirt.

"Well..someone here is wrong and that's not y/n. You are so obsessed with protecting her, that you don't see that you are actually hurting her that way. It's clear that this man adores her and she likes him too, so let it be!".

Baji stopped in his tracks. He put his hands to his body and calmed down. Emma was telling the truth, he was always on y/n's ass stopping her for everything and he didn't ever realised it till now. Chifuyu let go on his friend's jacket and let out a loud sigh. Y/n was standing next to Hanma, he was cuddling her trying to protect her, if Baji decides to do something. In that peculiar moment Baji finally let go and let his anger away. He made a step to Hanma and gave him his hand as an apology.

"I'm sorry", he said to him still holding his hand in the air waiting for Hanma to except his apology, "I'm just so protective of y/n, cause she is too nice for her own good and people use her as they please. I don't want her to be hurt and her disappointed from love". Hanma shook his hand, but still was keeping us guard up.

"I understand", Hanma said, "but I can insure you, that I would never hurt her".

"We know", Chifuyu decided to get involved in the conversation and give Hanma a smile, "we accept this relationship, but we still will be watching you closely, Hanma".

After making everything clear, y/n decided to serve dinner to her friends and boyfriend, who were talking on the kitchen table. She put the rice and pork in front of them and sat next to Hanma holding his hand.

"Before we leave", Baji looked at the couple with serious look on his face like he was about to win a trial, "let's make some rules for you guys. Since y/n's parents are not around all the time, I will be the father figure for now".

"Oh, no...", y/n covered her face knowing what's about to happen. Hanma looked at her with confusion, than back to Baji.

"The rules are simple. 1) get her home before might and not minute later. 2)don't disturb her, when she studies, she has to keep her grates up".

"No problem, dude", Hanma chuckled.

"And 3) no sex", Baji was looking at the dead in the eyes. Hanma and y/n looked at each other knowing what they did before him arriving here and smiled innocently.

"Okay. No problem here. I can wait", Hanma responded knowing damn well they are going to break that rule the moment these guy leave the house.

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