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                 🦋chapter 16:betrayal🦋

Hanma didn't put too much effort into his look tonight, he decided to go casual. Kisaki sent him the location of the party and Baji was on his way to pick him, because Hamma had a plan to drink tonight. He texted y/n good night before leaving his house. Baji was right in front of his door. Hanma got inside the car and both guys drove off to the house.
The two pulled up in front of the house and Hanma got out first. He fixed the collar of his shirt and walked inside of the house. A couple of guys from his class greeted him and started pouring him alcohol into a red cup. Arisaka was there too talking to some girls. She noticed Hanma and how hot he was tonight. His hair wasn't styled and this white shirt was really complementing his body type. Kisaki showed up a little bit later and the two boys started to talk casually. Emma, Draken, Mikey, Chifuyu and Takemichi were there too and they had a lot of fun. Emma was dancing with her boyfriend and taking shots with Mitsuya, who came alone, but still joined them.

The night was going great. Hanma successfully fulfill his wish to forget about y/n for a while and he was dancing. He drank a lot and at some point he couldn't talk very clearly, so he decided to sit down and chill for a while. This was the opportunity Arisaka grabbed. She sat next to him and came closer to the boy, he was too drunk to even recognise her face, so he got closer to see it better and Arisaka pulled him for a kiss. She forced him to make out with her and Hanma wasn't in the position to do anything. "Let's go upstairs", she whispered to him and started pulling him to the bedroom.
Hanma followed her, even tho he wasn't in his best mindset. Chifuyu saw that Hanma is going upstairs with Arisaka and quickly started to search for Baji around.

The music was loud, the lights were low and Hanma couldn't recognise anything around him, nothing was familiar to him. Arisaka got inside an empty bedroom and pulled Hanma inside slamming the door. She pushed the boy on the bed and quickly undressed him leaving him shirtless on the bed. Charlotte sat on top of him and got her phone out, opened her camera and took a photo of Hanma under her. The flashlight of her phone kinda made Hanma get into his senses and he pushed her out of him, then he somehow got on his legs.

"Come back, Hanma!", Arisaka said out loud and spreads her legs in front of him, then she began rubbing her pussy to seduce him, "I have something you want", she winked at him.

" I don't want ya stinky ass pussy", Hanma said even tho his words were barely understandable and he sat on the floor to collect himself for a while. He heard loud steps coming from the hallway and he looked up to the door.

Before he could even process what's happening the door was kicked out and Baji walks inside furiously

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Before he could even process what's happening the door was kicked out and Baji walks inside furiously. Chifuyu was right behind him. Baji picked Hanma for the collar and punched him as hard as he can on his face. Hanma fell down and lost consciousness. Chifuyu tried to wake him up, but Hanma was fast asleep, so the small blond guy picked him up on his back and started to move the taller guy to the car. Baji was right behind in panic, that he might of killed he guy.
Arisaka saw still standing there pretty mad she didn't had what she wanted. And Hanma's words really offended her, so she decided to get her revenge, so she sent y/n the picture she took of Hanma under her.

Y/n was laying on her desk. Her eyes were heavy and her head hurts so bad. She been studying for the past 5 hours without a break and her stomach was screaming for some food, so she got up from her chair, picked her phone from the nightstand next to her and walked to the kitchen to prepare something. She started making an omelette, when suddenly the screen of her phone lit up. Who might that be in this hour? She thought to herself and picked her phone into her hands. She saw that unknown number has texted her. She had e really bad gut feeling about this, but she decided to open it anyway. She was speechless, when she saw the picture. It was Hanma...naked under some girl with black tight dress, his hands on her tights and he was smiling. The girl slid down on the ground and felt her heart breaking in pieces. She quickly called Emma, because she knew she's at that party too.

"Hey, giiirl~~", Emma spoke clearly a little bit under influence, "what's up?".

"Emma", y/n spoke thru her tears and Emma immediately understood that something happened with her friend. She got worried and put her glass of vodka away.

"Y/n? What happened? Are you okay?", Draken, who was right beside Emma heard her saying that and got really worried.

"Hanma...he..he cheated on me", y/n finally let herself broke out in tears. She started crying loud and she was screaming.

"He was here just a minute ago, how can he do that? Where are you? We are coming to get you", Emma asked with concern.

"At my house. Please, come pick me up I want to come and kick that bastard in the face!", she screamed. She was not only sat, but mad too. How can he do that after he said that he loved her? It was about to go down. Emma and Draken immediately stormed out of the house leaving Mikey alone.

While y/n was going crazy, Baji and Chifuyu somehow brought Hanma back to life. He was sitting outside of the house with bottle of water and tried to collect his thoughts. He didn't remembered anything from the past hour and he didn't even imagined what is about to happen just in a matter of minutes.

A/n-finally. Some drama.

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