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Alya's pov~

     Maddie and I were walking back to my room after dinner when she suddenly stopped on the top stair. Stopping in my tracks, I looked at her sideways.

What's wrong

Instead of answering, she called out, "Alessio."

My head snapped in the opposite direction, and I saw Alessio's back to us. He was walking toward his office. At the sound of Maddie's voice, he urned around, his eyebrows furrowed in question.

"What is it?" he mumbled, approaching us. Maddie dragged me up the last step and stopped in front of Alessio.

"I was thinking of taking Ayla out shopping tomorrow. She's been living with us for some time now and doesn't have any clothes except for her maid dresses and the one outfit Mum got her on the first day."

Shopping? Shocked, I stared at Maddie. She didn't tell me anything about this.

From the corner of my eyes, I saw Alessio looking at me. I glanced up, and

Our eyes met. Licking my lips nervousiy, I played with the hem of my dress as his peneraing gaze sent a shiver down my body.

Of course. You can take her, Alessio said, keeping his blue eyes on me. But why are you asking me? he questioned, now looking at Maddie Suspiciously.

Maddie rolled her eyes. Letting out a huff of annoyance, she crossed her arms over her chest.

"I'm not asking you, l'm telling you. There's a difference. I'm just letting you know so you don't go fucking crazy and start panicking when you don't see Ayla.

I didn't pay attention to Maddie's words because my mind was still trying to register what Alessio said.

I was allowed to go out. Alessio was letting me go out. I stared at Alessio,
speechless, my body trembling slightly.

I was never allowed to leave my father's estate, not even a step outside of the
gates. The furthest I had ever gone was to our back garden. I wasn't allowed to
roam free. Ever.

All my days and nights were spent locked in my room or the piano room. I didn't know much about the outside world.

But now, I could go see the world. I could go shopping...something I never had a chance to do. Alberto was the one who chose all my clothing. I just had to wear what he gave me.

Alessio and Maddie were talking, but their voices sounded like they were coming from under water. I could only focus on Alessio's Face. He was slowly
giving me things I had lost. Alessio was giving me back my life. Freedom. I was finally truly free.

The one thing I had always wanted, hoped, and prayed for every night as I cried myselt to sleep, my soul breaking. After every torturous night, that was
what I dreamed of.

Alessio eyes were on me again. I saw his forehead crease in worry. "Ayla?" snapped out of my daze and then nodded my head. "Yeah?

"Are you okay with going shopping tomorrow he asked sofly. I nodded again, but this time my ips stretched in a smile. "Yup."

"Good. He gave me a small smile, then turned around and walked away.
Swiveling around, I grabbed Maddie's hands, excitement coursing through my

I can go shopping asked, staring into her eyes, my heart feeling hopeful. Of course, You know your desperately need clothes and I nodded happily

We resumed our walk to my bedroom. I was excited, like a child getting a new toy for the first time.

"When are we going Maybe after lunch? lomorrow? she suggested.

That sounds good. I can't wait," I muttered, closing the door behind us.
Maddie jumped on the bed and took the remote in her hand. "So? What movie?

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