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Alya's pov~

As soon as I realized who was standing in front of me, I froze.

WhenI felt an arm wrap around my shoulders, I flinched in fright but quickly
calmed down when I realized it was Alessio. He gave me a comforting squeeze.

Lyov's eyes moved to Alessios arm around my shoulder, his stare burning
holes into my skin. His gaze moved to mine, and I almost flinched at the glare he sent me moving further against Alessio 's body, I sought comfort from his touch.

"Isaak." Alessio nodded toward the other man.

Turning to his father, he did the same thing. "Lyov. His voice was cold and
void of emotion, a strange way to address his father.

"We'll have breakfast and then discuss the matter," Alessio continued.

Lyov walked around me without a second glance, while lsaak's eyes moved

to mine again. He stared at me for a few chilling seconds, his gaze penetrating and almost frightening. There was a strange look on his face, but then he shook his head, as if he was clearing his mind. Without sparing us another glance, he followed Lyov.

As soon as they were out of sight. my shoulders sagged in relief, and I took a
deep breath, trying to calm my wildly racing heart. Swallowing nervously, I peeked over my shoulder to see them walking upstairs.

"You don't have to worry about them. They won't hurt you" Alessio muttered in my ears.

"They look scary" I whispered back. His chest rippled with a low chuckle, his ams tightening around me in the process. He placed a kiss on my temple, and I turned around in his arms, facing him.

"Scarier than me?" he teased.

"No. You are worse,"I admitted truthfully. All the men living in this house

were dangerous and had a dark, tense vibe around them, but Alessio had the
most chilling aura.

"And are you scared? Of me?" Alessio asked, pulling me closer.

Shaking my head, I placed a kiss in the middle of his chest. "No. I know you
won't hurt me. Leaning on my tip-toes, I gave him a quick kiss and pulled away. "I'll see you later

Alessio let me go with a nod. Sending him a smile, I walked away toward the
back garden. The fresh morning air hit my face in a soothing manner, and I
closed my eyes. How could I face Lyov without breaking down?

My father killed his wife. Mercilessly and cruelly.

Every single time it came back to this...I was an Abandonato. The daughter of the man who destroyed a once-perfect family.

I wished there was a way to erase my past. Everything would have been easier if I wasn't an Abandonato. The guilt of lying to everyone was slowly eating me alive. My heart ached at my own betrayal.

How long can I keep this secret before everything crumbles under my feet?
I didn't see Alessio or the others for the rest of the day. l was tense, as if any
moment now everything would end.

Nikolay and Phoenix were living on the streets when Alessio found them."

Maddie's voice snapped me out of my thoughts. we were talking about Nikolay.

"I don't know much of their history, but Alessio does. AlI know is that they are cousins and they had deadbeat parents, she explained.

Was Nikolay always brooding like this?" I asked. She nodded before taking a bite of her apple. "Oh yeah, definitely. He doesn't talk much."

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