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Maddie's pov~

   My muscles ached as I quickly undressed. I needed sleep. Like now. But I knew Artur was supposed to visit me, so I waited.

I was combing my hair when I saw the door open in the miror's retlection.
He closed the door behind him and walked toward me. "Hmm...that's what I
like to see, he murmured, his lusttul eyes raking over my naked body.

Artur stood behind me and wrapped an arm around my waist, pulling me to him. "Do you know how beauiful you are he asked, placing a kiss on my shoulder.

"You tell me every day, but l'm not complaining. I wouldn't mind it you say
it one more time," I replied, placing my hand over his arm.

"You are so beautiful that you take my breath away. The sexiest woman l've
ever met. "And all mine," he growled

His hand wandered toward my already weeping pussy, and I felt myself clench in anticipation. But then he stopped. I moaned in protest, my head falling
back against his shoulder. "Damn it. Artur, stop teasing me.

My eyes opened, and I stared at our reflection in the miror. I saw him
frowning. his eyebrows pulled together thoughtfully.

I was wondering. why did you punch Phoenix?

My eyes widened at his question, and I froze. How did he know that?

"Wha-What?" I sputtered.

"Phoenix 's face was a mess this morning. And he said you punched him.
What did he do? Is he being a problem?" he asked, placing his chin on my
shoulder as he looked into my eyes through the reflection.

My throat went dry at the question, my hands clenched in fist, my nails digging into my skin.

My legs were wrapped around Arthur's hips as he pressed me against the wall.

His ups claimed mine in a bruising Kiss.

"Good morning. he muttered.

"I like how you say good morning." I laughed against his lips. His fingers
tightened on my hips, and I kissed him again.

When I pulled back, I caught a glimpse of Phoenix standing behind Artur, his
expression almost painful and murderous.

"Artur, Boss is looking for you, " he snapped.

Artur pulled away from me and glanced behind his back at Phoenix. "Okay."

Putting me down, he gave me a quick peck on the lips. "I'll see you tonight."

Okay...I replied, smiling up at me. He turned around and gave Phoenix a nod before going upstairs.

Phoenix didn t move. He kept his eyes locked on mine. I saw his hands fisted
his sides.

"What the hell is your problem? "I asked almost angrily "Every time you see me with Artur, you act like some type of caveman. This has gone on for too long

He silently took a step forward, and I paused in my furious rant. Phoenix
stalked toward me and stopped when our bodies were just inches apart and I was forced against the wall.

Swallowing nervously at his close proximity, I took a deep breath and then
glared up at him. "Move away, asshole. Ever heard of personal space?

When he didn't, I placed my hands over his chest to push him away. "What the fuck is your problem?" I hissed, but he didn t move.

Instead, he grabbed my hands and held them to his chest. Before I could blink
or think, his other arm quickly snaked around my waist. He pulled me into his
body, his hold unyielding.

Phoenix leave me now befo....he cut me off and then he slammed his lips on mine. I gasped in shock, and he took the
opportunity to slide his tongue in my mouth. I didnt move at first, but Instinctively, I surrendered to his kiss.

My lips moved over his, tentatively at first. He growled low in his chest and deepened the kiss.

He pulled back and glared down at me. "This....This is my fucking problem," he said, brushing his thumb over my sensitive lips.

Gasping. I pushed him away and stumbled back into the wall. "You bastard,"

I whispered, wiping my lips with the back of my hand. "How dare you?"

"You kissed me back. You want this."

I'm with Artur, I murmured in shock.

"He doesn t matter," he replied, his face expressionless.

"Fuck you!" I said through gritted teeth, my breathing harsh to my own ears.

Moving forward in a flash, I reared back and punched him in the face. He swore loudly and held his nose.

Keep your hands off me. I swear to God, you come near me again, I will hurt you

I walked away, leaving him behind. But as I went, my eyes prickled with hot
tears. Blinking them away, I refused to let them fall.

How dare he?

After everything...after so long...why now?

The sound of my name brought me back to the present. I blinked in shock and
stared at Artur through the miror. He gave me a confused look and turned me
around in his arms. "Are you okay

"Yeah. I'm fine. Phoenix was just teasing me and being annoying.I got mad and kinda punched him in the face. You know how l am."

"He isn't going to be a problem? I can talk to him if you want," Artur suggested, giving me a quick peck on the lips.

"No, it's okay. I have everything under control,"I replied with a shake of my head. Artur still gave me a suspicious look. I sweetly smiled up at him, trying to
distract him.

I didn't want him to think about Phoenix and I didn't want to think about Phoenix. He wasn't important. Not anymore.

It was just me and Artur. And I wanted to get lost in the man who was standing In front of me, looking down at me as if I was his everything, and it was all I desired

So where were we? I believe you owe me an orgasm, Mister. Or maybe
I grabbed his cock and gave it a light squeeze

This is going to be a long night, babyy

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