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Alessio's pov~

                        2 weeks later

I stared at the pictures in my hand. I stared at them longer than I should have. The pictures were shaking only because my hands were trembling. Anger had been a costant emotion inside of me since Ayla had been taken away. I lived on the anger nside of me. it kept me going. It kept me grounded enough to find my Angel.

But now, I was raging. There's a big difference between anger and fury. Anger was enough to make someone go insane. But fury, it made people into a monster and that was exacty how I felt.

I was past making sense. I no longer felt anything except deep loathing and fury. Nothing else mattered. The little humanity left inside of me was gone the
Instant I laid eyes on the photos in my hands, fury boiled inside of me as I imagined the multiple ways to mutilate Alberto's body.

My fingers tightened on the pictures until they crumbled in my fist. Closing my eyes, I threw the photo across the room, not caring where it landed. I just needed it out of my sight.

My jaw ground with the effort to keep myself under control. Ayla's face flashed behind my closed lids, and my body tightened as a wavebof pain coursed through me. Under the layers of fury, my heart was aching.

It ached so much I was suffocating under the pressure. But the pain was nothing compared to what Ayla was going through. The thought was enough to drive me insane.

Through my rage, I heard the door open. My eyes snapped open, making contact with Viktor as he stepped into my office.
He stopped in front of the door, his eyes moving to his feet. His eyebrows furrowed in confusion, and he bent down.

Viktor grabbed the photo firmly in his hands and stared at it. I knew what he was seeing. The image of Ayla bare, her legs spread, her eyes frightened, filled with tears. It was forever etched in my memory. A second passed. And then another. A full minute passed before Viktor finally reacted.

His face was red with anger. "What is this?" he growled. "AIberto sent us a gift," I replied numbly, my voice a little hoarse from built- up emotions.

I'm going to fucking cut his dick off and feed it to him," Viktor snapped, standing up to his feet.

I sat straight in my chair and leveled him with a glare. "He is mine to kill." Taking a step forward, he stopped in front of my desk, his stare unflinching.

"You are not the only one who cares about her." He. Is. Mine. to. KillI I hissed, getting to my feet Viktor shook his head with a sigh. "I will never take that right from you. When we find him, he is yours to kill. But the rest of us will have a hand in it too.

We stared at each other. No words were spoken. The air around us filled with tension. it grew colder and heavier under our need for revenge. "Fair enough," I replied. Viktor nodded and sat down on the couch, placing the heavy file he was holding on my desk. All the names that connected to Alberto. His right-hand men. Their families are also listed. Everything there is to know about them," Viktor said, nodding

I sat down and pulled it toward me. "We already got so many of his men. Nobody knows a thing. He was smart enough to keep his hiding place a secret. His men are a bunch of cowards. If they knew the truth, they would have told me for a chance to live

"What about Enzo? The same question had been brewing in my thoughts, but it was another dead end. From Nikolay's information, he went into hiding, too. He's Alberto's second in command. He knew he would be our target," I said, sitting back against my chair. The muscles in my neck were aching. Pressing my fingers against the back of my neck, I massaged the muscles, hoping to relieve the tension.

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