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Alessio's pov~

I wanted to take her in my arms, hold her safely, and tell her everything was going to be okay. But I stopped myself.

I knew I would lash out and hurt her. And the last thing I wanted to do was hurt her...even though she was the reason for my pain right now.

So I walked away. From her.

I did it to protect her.

I had been shot before. Multiple times. But Ayla's betrayal was more painful
than bullets piercing through my body.

She called out after me, my name on her lips. She begged me to listen, but I was numb. Too numb to care. Too numb to understand her lies, her betrayal.

I trusted her, but she betrayed in return.
After giving her myself and opening my heart to her, she still lied.

But even through the tides of anger, I understood why.

I hated the Abandonatos.

And she was one of them. The daughter of the man who killed my mother and

"Fuck!" I swore, punching the wall next to the door. She must have been Scared. So damn scared. No wonder she never told any or us.

What about those who are innocent? Will they perish too? Just because they
were doomed to be an Italian-an Abandonato?

Ayla's question rang through my ears, and I pulled at my hair in frustration,
my fingers digging into my scalp. She wanted to tell me. So many times, she
wanted to say it, but my hatred for the Abandonatos always stopped her.

I still remembered my words clearly, as it they were said the day before.

There is no fucking innocence in that family. They are all the spawn of the
devil. They are tainted with my mother's and sister's blood.

How could I have expected Ayla to tell me the truth when those were the words I fed her?

You said you'd kill anyone in your path. But what about the innocent?

When realization dawned on me, I felt sick. She was talking about herself.
She was the innocent.

I was running away from home when I found you and hid in your car. That's
how we met. I'm not a spy, Alessio. I'm just someone running away from her
nightmare, desperately seeking peace.

Everything she said came rushing back to me until my thoughts went wild.

And that was when I lost control

My hands clenched into fists, and I punched the wall again, harder than
before. My skin over my knuckles tore, but that wasn't enough.

I was panting, fighting for breath, fighting against the monster that wanted to be unleashed.

The sudden realization made my head spin. My lungs constricted.

'Fuck!" I bellowed.

The man I hated, the man I vowed to enemy, he was the one who had hurt my Angel. He was the one who caused her pain. The reason for her

Alberto. He had ruined my Ayla.

My blood roared with the urge to kill him. To end his life. To end Ayla's nightmare.

Turning around, I saw Artur, Viktor, and Phoenix standing there. Their faces
were impassive as they stared back at me, Waitng for me to give them orders.

But something else caught my attention. Someone was missing. My heart accelerated in panic as I glanced around the room almost furiously.

Where's Ayla?" I growled, my knuckles aching as I tightened my fists.

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