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Maddie's pov~

I looked at the clock in the living room. It was 9:30 p.m. The men were still not home. I grew worried as each minute passed by.

I hoped that tonight was the night they would bring Ayla home. So I sat on the sofa in my nightdress with my robe around me. I waited. I prayed that by some miracle Ayla was going to appear in front of me, safe and sound. But again, tonight that wasn't the case.

The men walked through the doors, and I jumped to my feet, looking wildly around them for any sight of Ayla. When I saw their heads hung down, their shoulder sagged with yet another night filled with defeat, my throat closed up.

My chest tightened, andI almost fell to the ground. Despair filled me, and my cheeks were already wet with my tears.

I cried as Alessio walked past me without a word. A few minutes later when his roar it echoed around the house, I Sobbed.

NIkolay walked away. And then viktor. No one said a word. Phoenix stayed at the door, his face drawn in with sorrow. That was when I noticed the blood on him. My eyes widened, and T scrambled toward him in panic.

"Phoenix!"I gasped, my arms moving over his body, looking for the wound.

What happened to you?

My tears blurred my vision. With the thought of Ayla in pain and now Phoenix being hurt, I was slowly going crazy. He grabbed my hand, holding it still over his chest. "Shh...I'm okay, Maddie It's not my blood."

He palmed my cheek, softly rubbing his thumb over the skin. I should have pulled away. It was wrong tor him to touch me ike that. It was more wrong for me to care, but I found that I couldn't move away.

"You're not hurt?" I whispered, looking at his blood-covered suit.

He shook his head. "No.

The air left my body in a loud whoosh, and I sighed in relief. But the relief was short-lived when I heard Artur's voice behind me. My eyes went wide, and I quickly pulled away from Phoenix. He didn't let go of my head.

I turned my head to see Artur staring at us. His eyes showed what he felt. He looked at me as if l betrayed him. My heart ached at the thought of hurting Artur. Looking back at Phoenix, our gazes met. He begged me with his eyes but I couldnt give him what he wanted.

I glanced down at our intertwined hands and slowly pulled away. He grasped me more firmly, but I twisted my hand until I was free. Without looking at him, I stepped back and turned toward Artur.

I walked straight into Artur's arm and buried my face into his chest. Taking a deep breath, I inhaled his familiar scent. This was what I needed. He swept me up in his arms and carried me to his room. As soon as the door closed behind us, he had me against the wall, his lips on mine.

Artur kissed me furiously as he pushed us toward the bed. I fell down on the mattress as he settled on top of me. Before I could think, he had me out of my nightdress until I laid bare underneath him. His kiss was bruising, his hands hard against my skin. His touch wasn't searching. He didn't touch me to bring me pleasure.

Artur seemed almost lost in his mind.

Artur?" I cautioned.

He didn't answer. Instead, he continued to trail kisses down my neck. I should have felt good, but this time, I just felt cold. Almost disconnected.

"What are you doing?"

When he ignored me, my panic grew, and pushed against his shoulders.

"Artur, Stop."

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