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Alessio's pov~

I felt numb as I stepped out of the car. Standing in the driveway, I stared at the estate. The front doors were open, but my feet were rooted in place, refusing to

There was an ache in my chest. I left with Ayla but was coming back without her. At the thought of coming back home without my Angel and knowing she wouldn't be there to greet me or kiss me, the pain in my chest intensified.

Viktor came to stand beside me, and he waited. I felt Nikolay on my left side. And then Phoenix and Artur. Nobody stepped forward. They all waited for me. No matter how much pain I was in, I was still a Boss the King. I couldn't let myself get weak at a moment like this.

Swallowing past the lump in my throat, I
took a step forward and walked toward the door.  I stepped inside, and as soon as I had walked through the doors, Maddie was on me. She grabded my colar, her face a mask or anger and pain.

"Where is she? Her voice was chilling as she screamed. "How could you have let this happen" Her eyes blurred with tears as she choked back a sob, her chest heaving with the effort. "You promised to protect her, Alessio.

I didn't say anything.

She was right. I vowed to protect Ayla, but I wasn't able to. My father was also right. I thought I wouldn't let it happen. I thought I was strong, but history was repeating itself.

The tightness in my chest was back again. Maddie released my collar, and she sank down to her knees, her anguished cries ringing through my ears.

Lyov was staring out the window, while Isaak's body sagged against the couch, his head in his hands as a sign his energy had let his body

I walked inside, analyzing both men closely. They hated the Abandonatos
with a passion, but l wasn't going to let them stand in my way to find Ayla.

From the corner of my eyes, I saw my men following me inside. My expression stayed cold and emotionless as l faced my father and Isaak.

I should have known," Isaak said, causing a cloud of confusion to settle
around us. Lyov's back went rigid at Isaak's voice, his eyes closing tightly.

"She looked so much like Leila, but I didn't want to believe it. I refused to
believe it," lsaak continued, his voice breaking over the last words.

Alfredo's wife?

"What?" I snapped, moving forward.

Isaak looked up, and I was shocked to see his eyes red. No, he wasn't crying.
But the agony on his face spoke more than the tears would have.

"You knew Leila?" I asked when our eyes met. He flinched and stared at Lyov, who still hadn't turn around to acknowledge us.

"Yes. I knew Leila. I more than just knew her," he murmured. Cocking my head to the side, I stared and waited. l could have guessed the answer, but I needed to hear it from him. The truth.

My thoughts ran wild as I waited for Isaak to explain. "To understand, you will have to know the beginning" My eyes widened when I heard Lyov's guttural voice. "Tell him," he ordered without turning around, Isaak stood up and paced the room. "After your mother's death, our only goal was to take down the Abandonatos. I was sent to find Alfredo's weakness."

He paused, taking a deep breath, as if it pained him to continue.
"Ayla. Her name was a whisper in my head, and I clenched my jaw, my teeth
grinding together.

Every day, at the same exact time, Leila would go to a coffee shop. I watched her cross the street. I watched until I couldn't stay away anymore. She was so sad. So broken," Isaak continued. He had long ago stopped pacing. His eyes were now glued to the wall. He was lost in his memories.

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