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I was dreading opening my eyes. Falling asleep last night without Alessio was
painful. I had to take my sleeping pills, Just in case my nigntmares came back.

In the back of my mind, I had this annoying voice whispering to me that it
was my fault. But the other voice fought back, telling me I needed time to think.

Holding the other pillow to my chest, I burrowed deeper under the comforter
with a sigh before opening my eyes. But I quickly covered my mouth with my hand to stifle the gasp that threatened to escape at the sight in front of me.

"Alessio," I breathed, my eyes fixated on his sleeping form. Shoving the purple comforter from my body, I got off the bed and walked to him. He was sleeping on the chair beside the bed, his legs stretched out in front of him, his head rolled to the side in what looked like an uncomfortable position.

His suit jacket was thrown carelessly on the floor while his black shirt was unbuttoned on the top, his sleeves rolled up to his elbows, Showing Just the side of his tatoos that ended there.

I came to a stop in front of him, my heart thumping at the sight of his face.
His eyebrows were furrowed, his forehead pinched with tension even in his sleep. He looked tired, his lips turned down in a frown.

Leaning forward, my fingers brushed lightly over his forehead, Softly easing the tense lines.

Alessio shifted slightly under my touch, and l quickly moved my hands away.
He always looked peaceful in his sleep..but this time, he looked almost in pain. And I hated it.

I hated it even more knowing that I could be the cause of his pain.
Closing my eyes, I could still see his tormented expression from last night
when I had closed the door in his face.

I opened my eyes again and slowly moved my fingers over Alessio's face,

caressing him but without touching him. I traced his lips, his eyes, his nose, his
eyebrows, my fingers Just an inch away from his skin.

I don't know what to do, Alessio. I don't know what to feel. I'm so confused, I whispered before pulling my hand away.

When I saw his forehead furrow at the sound of my voice, I quickly stepped
back. Giving Alessio's sleeping form a final glance, I turned around and walked
to the bathroom. As soon as the door was closed behind me, I leaned against it and shut my eyes.

Alessio was both my strength and my weakness. With him, my heart soared
with happiness. Without him, I felt empty.

Opening my eyes again, I shook my head. "Stop thinking about it, Ayla," I
said to myselt, facing the mirror. My retlection stared back at me, my face
looking just as haggard as I felt.

After freshening up and getting dressed, I walked out to the door but hesitated.

Was he still there? Did he wake up yet?

I didn't think I had the courage to see him again. If I saw him again, I knew I
would forgive him in an instant and beg him to hold me.

Finally, my fingers wrapped around the knob, and I opened the door. I took a
deep breatn and stepped out.

The room was empty.

Alessio was gone.

My shoulder drooped low as l stared at the chair he had been sleeping in
before. I didn't know if I was sad or relieved. As my eyes stayed glued to the
chair, I realized that l was secretly hoping he would still be here.

These feelings were confusing. Frustrating and definitely annoying. I glared at the chair, twisting my lips. Shaking my head,I walked out of the room without a final glance.

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