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Alya's pov~

I was lying back against the tub, my eyes closed, my hands running over the warm water. It was late at night, and after playing the piano for Alessio, I couldnt sleep.

All I could think about was the moment at the creek that morning. Every time, the same images flashed behind my eyes. Alesio kissing me. Our need for each other.

And then I would remember how it was when he had made love to my body.

My body warmed up under the thoughts of his lips and hands on me again.

Letting out a tired sigh, I opened my eyes and stepped out or the water, drying myself with the big white towel. But instead of putting on my nightdress, l
wrapped the towel over my shoulder, staring at myself in the mirror.

"What am I doing?" I whispered to my reflection. "Can I do this?"

Alessio wanted me..and I wanted him too. I craved his touch.

Placing a hand over my chest, I felt my pounding heart. "I don't want to be scared aymore.

I wanted to be free. I wanted to live. I wanted to feel...everything....I wanted Alessio.

I opened my eyes, making direct contact with my own green eyes in the reflection.

Holding the towel tighter around me, I glanced at the mirror one final time
before turning around. My hand rested on the knob for several minutes, pulling
at the strength and courage inside ot me to open the door and go to Alessio.

I was at a constant battle in my mind. fear on one side, while the other
demanded freedom and happiness.

With my final decision made, I took a deep breath and opened the door.

Alessio was sitting on the bed, leaning against the headboard with only his black

Sweatpants on. He was looking down at his phone but quickly looked up when I walked into the room.

Ayla?" he questioned, his eyebrows furrowed at the sight of me. "Why are
you oniy in your towel

Sitting forward in bed, he placed the phone on the nightstand. "Are you
Okay? he asked worriedly, tension cording the muscles of his shoulders.

My eyes met his, and I held on. He gave me strength. "I don't want to be scared anymore," I told him.

"Ayla, he started, confusion clear in his voice and expression.

Quickly dropping the towel to reveal my bare body, I took a nervous step forward. My hands fisted to my side as I walked toward the bed, stopping beside Alessio.

He must have understood what I meant, because his eyes softened. "Ayla," he
sighed. Pushing his arm toward me with his palm up, he gave me his hand.

Come here.

Swallowing hard, I put my hand in his and he grasped mine tightly. My hand
trembled, but Alessio gave me a gentle squeeze before pulling me torward. I
climbed onto the bed, and he shifted me around, pulling me onto his lap so that I
straddled him, my knees on either side of his hips.

Bringing his other hand up, he softly rubbed his thumb over my face you sure

I nodded mutely, finding it hard to voice out anything. "Ayla, I need the words. I need to know you are one hundred percent sure about this.

"I'm sure," I replied, my voice barely audible. Placing his forehead against
mine, he let out another sigh.

"Okay. We'll do it like this. With you on top," he said.

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