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Alessio's pov~

"Get him!" I bellowed. I saw Viktor running out of the room. Nikolay jumped out of the window.

I felt hot, my skin itching with the need to kill. To make him bleed. Artur, one of my most trusted men. How did I not see it? I trusted him, yet he betrayed me.

He was dying, cold, homeless, starving. But I picked him up, gave him a home. A family. Even when his father was a traitor, I believed in him.

Stupid. So fucking stupid. I didn't trust people easily, but trustung Artur had been a mistake. A big fucking one. Shaking my head, I looked down at Maddie. She had to pay the price. Ayla had to pay the price of my stupidity.

Maddie cried in my arms, her entire body shaking with how heavy her sobbing was. She placed her hand over her stomach, right over where the bullet went through.

Closing her eyes, she whispered. Her voice was low, her words so softly Spoken.

I stared at her, completely horrified.

Did I hear her wrong. My mind was playing tricks on me. I wanted to ask her, try to clear this confusion, but my tongue felt heavy.

She opened her eyes again. "" she cried in my arms.

There was no mistake. No confusion. My mind wasn't playing a trick on me.

I heard it clearly, and it hurt. The words hurt, and I couldn't imagine how badly it was hurting Maddie. My lips didn't move. I just stared. Even when Maddie was taken from my arms, Phoenix screaming, crying. begging her not to leave him, I didn't move.

My eyes slowly made their way to Maddie's stomach, where she was bleeding profusely. There was no way the baby would make it. It was impossible.

Would Maddie even make it?

I didn't fucking know anything. I was snapped out of my thoughts when Sam came running into the room.

Phoenix carried Maddie to the bed, and I quickly got to my feet. My blood roared at the uneasiness. No, it roared with anger, with the need for answers. I was raging. my body shaking with the force of my fury.

My eyes moved around the room, making contact with Viktor as he rushed into the room again. I saw the fury, impatience, and worry in his expression. I also knew he was wrestling for control. I was too. We all were.

Artur wasn't going to make it out of here. Viktor stared at me and gave me a single nod before walking out again. One nod was all it took to drive me to the point of insanity.

Artur had been capured.

Giving Maddie a final glance, I walked out of the room. I didn't call Phoenix. There was no point. He wasn't going to leave Maddies side now

Making my way to the basement, I let the fury boll. I let myselt feel the anger, knowing it would serve me well later. Only the anger would keep me going. There was no time for weakness. I pushed the image of Ayla frightened and hurt, Maddie bleeding and close to death, to the back ot my mind.

Viktor was waiting for me in front of the door, his expression fierce. He didn't say anything There was nothing to say. One of our own betrayed us. Someone we trusted and treated as a brother. But we couldn't dwell on that betrayal now. There was no time for it. Our only purpose was to get answers and find Ayla.

Viktor opened the door, and I walked inside, my stride confident and purposely slow even through my anger. Artur was tied to a chair, facing me. His head was cast down, but I knew he heard me come in. The way his body tightened gave him away.

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