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Ayla's pov~
                         1 week later

What's my name?

I tried to remember. I tried to whisper my name, but my lips wouldn't move.

Whats my name?

I asked myself that question a few times, trying hard to remember. But everything was a blur. Nothing made sense. I couldn't remember my name, my life or anything.

I was just numb. Lost. I didn't feel. I didn't know where I was. It was always dark, with just a little bit of light. The cold seeped into my skin until I would shiver uncontrollably.

My name. I had to remember my name. started with an A.


Closing my eyes, I laid down on the cold ground and pulled my knees to my

Cnest. My memories were all broken, shattered arouna the place.



It sounded correct. Familiar. It sounded like me.


My name is Ayla.

Ayla.....My name is Ayla, and I had to remember. I couldn't forget again. It was a routine. I would remember but then forget it again.

My name is Alya

As I repeated the phrase in my head, I heard a whisper. It was all in my head, but the whisper conanued. it was one word. lwo >yllabies.

It wasn' t my name.

But it sounded so right. Like I needed to know it.

.Every time I ted to remember my name, the word Angel was always a

whisper in my head.

Ayla. Angel. Ayla. Angel.

I didn't make sense, but I repeated it over and over again in my head.

Who was I? I didn't know.

Where did I come from? I didn't know.

I was living in a blur. In a pitch-dark world. I was nothing. I felt like nothing.

I was just an empty vessel.

How long has it been since I was locked in this dungeon ?

The days and nights blended into each other until I lost count. Days, weeks, months?

I wished I knew, but the devil made sure I was left in the darkness. He had stripped me or everything, even my memories.

Curled against the wall, with the shackles around my ankles and wrists, I rocked back and forth. My eyes closed as I slowly fell into oblivion, another dark abyss wnere tnere was no escape.

I woke up to the sound of the door opening. It banged shut, and I opened my eyes to see the devil approaching me.

I waited for his command, my body and mind ready to do his bidding. He held a bowl in his hand, and the smell of food filled my nostrils. My stomach tightened as hunger suddely assaulted me.

He didn't feed me on a regular basis. Sometimes, I would go days without food, until my stomach would cramp so painfully that I found it hard to breathe.
He would leave me on the cold ground until I trembled so hard that it felt like
I was dying and I knew I was.

The bowl was placed on the ground between us. He kicked it away a few feet.


He kept his eyes on me when the single word command was given. The tone of his voice held a hint of rage, but it also held no space for questions. I sat up and stared at the bowl a few feet away from me. Without wasting another second, I got to my knees obedientdy. That was what he wanted. And I gave it to him. Only because I needed the food he was offering me.

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