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Alya's pov~

The next morning was filled with tension and anxiety. My stomach twisted dangerously, and my heart was constantly aching. Stepping out of our bedroom, I saw Viktor walking around the corner. His steps faltered at the sight of me.

Giving me a nod, he walked closer. "You should have let Alessio explain," he stated curtly without any greeting

"I heard what I needed to know. Nothing he would say can change the truth,"

I replied, holding his cold eyes, and they burned into mine. He shook his head. "And that's where you are wrong. Let him explain, and you'll understand."

"He hurt me," I whispered.

Viktor's eyes softened, and he took a step closer until we were only inches
apart. "He is a confused man, but he cares about you deeply."

"If he cared, he wouldn't have touched Sasha." My voice was barely whisper as Viktor's words registered in my mind. I wanted so badly to believe Alessio cared. I knew that. I saw it in his eyes. But his betrayal still left a gaping hole in me.

Viktor's hand came up to my face, and he pressed his thumb lightly over my
cheek, brushing away the single drop of tear that had escaped. I looked up and
saw him glancing brietly over my head. something flashed in his eyes. it was so
quick I didn't have a chance to catch it.

And then everything happened so tast.

One minute, Viktor was standing in tront ot me, comtorting me in some way, and then his lips were on mine.

I blinked rapidly and let out a gasp, my hands going to his chest. He didn't
kiss me. His lips were just there, pressing into mine gently and almost feather light.

When I heard a roar from behind me, I flinched and quickly pulled away

Viktor releasing me without any struggle
It was almost a blur. Viktor was ripped away and slammed against the wall;

Alessio held him tight against the wall as he landed a few furious punches into
his face

"Oh my God," I squeaked, my hands going to my mouth in shock. "Stop!" I

Alessio's face was filled with murderous intent. Viktor punched him back, but
it only pissed him off. "If you fucking touch her again, I will kill you," he hissed
into Viktor's face.

Running to them, I tried to pull Alessio off Viktor. But he was unmovable.
Holding his arm, I pulled hard, finnally bringing his attention to me. Alessio
glanced up. His glare intense and fierce.

Stop! Let him go, Alessio.

I felt his tense muscles relax under my fingers. That was when I noticed my
hand on his back, and without thinking, I was rubbing his shoulders, almost
soothingly. Quickly removing my hand, I took a step back, and he pushed himself away from Viktor.

Alessio tried to wrap his arms around me, but I skirted around him, moving
away from is touch. "Whatis wrong With you? Without waiting tor his answer, I turned to Viktor. "And you? Don't ever do that again." Glancing at Alessio, I continued. "Don't lower yourself to his level. You are better than that,"

I said, my words meant for Viktor.

I watched Alessio flinch at my words, hurt flashing in his eyes. I wanted him
to hurt. I wanted him to feel what I was feeling.

Giving the man who held my heart in the palm of his hands a final glance, I walked away. I heard him call my name, but I kept walking.

Maddie...I needed Maddie

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