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Alya's pov~

I  froze, my whole body going numb.

That voice. The same voice that haunted not just my sleep every night-but my whole life.

That voice broke me-until I thought I was beyond repair.

That voice belonged to the devil.

Alberto, my mind screamed. No. No. No. Please no. Not now.

I wanted to cry and scream at this unfairness. I wanted to fall down and
crumble into dust until I had nothing left. That way Alberto wouldn't get to me.

My head ran wild until I could feel myself almost fainting. Breathe. Breathe,


I sucked in a harsh breath and took a step forward, peeking past Alessio's
shoulders. I was still hidden behind him; only the top of my head was visible as I
looked at the man in front of me.

He caught my eyes and smiled. I once thought he was handsome and charming. I was even sightly enamored by him when we first met. He didn't know how to love. He was the true definition of evil.

And that smile on his face, some women would fall for it. But I knew that smile. It was sadistic and filled with the promise of pain.

Love, it's time for you to come home now," Alberto said, looking at me as he placed his hand out as if he expected me to take it.

I shuddered and hid behind Alessio, my hand going to his back, my fingers
clenching around his jacket as I held on for dear life.

This couldn't be happening. I was supposed to be safe. My breathing came out in hard pants as my chest grew tighter. I was losing it loosing myself again.

Alessio. Oh no. No. lt wasn't supposed to happen this way.

Everyone froze around me. Viktor, Phoenix, Artur, and Alessio. Silence. Utter Silence. Viktor glanced down at me, his eyebrows furrowed. when he saw me cowering behind Alessio's back, he took a step toward me, protecting me.

Phoenix and Artur loked confused while Alessio stayed frozen. His muscles were tensed underneath my fingers, and I wished I could look into those eyes so
he could see my real truth. That I loved him and never wished to betray him.

The air went from cold to deadly. It smelled like death even though nobody
had died yet. It chilled me to the bones, and I shivered, fear slithering its way
into my spine. My knees buckled, but I held on to Alessio, refusing to fall.

Nobody had died yet.

But there would only be one end. Bloodshed. War. We were all going to bathe in blood until one family would be left standing.

And in that moment, I wasn't sure which one.

The Ivanshovs or the Abandonatos.

"Take your fucking eyes off her," Alessio snapped. "And get the fuck off my property. You do not want to start war

"I'm not here to wage war. As soon as I get what l'm here for, I will leave.
This does not have to end in bloodshed, Alessio. Give me what I want and I'll
leave without any disturbance," Alberto said calmly, as if he was discussing a
business deal.

And that was when it happened.

Guns were drawn, and I was pushed behind. Viktor, Phoenix, and Artur
pointed their guns at Alberto and his men. "Get out, Viktor growled. "Or l'm
going to have your fucking brain splattered on the ground."

This was going to end badly, and through it all, I was going to leave Alessio broken.

I couldn't leave him. I was his Angel. He needed me.

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