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Chapter 16

Alessio had left me breathless and completely in a daze with his kiss, and
now his words made my heart jump. My body melted under his, and I stared up
into his furious yet painful eyes. I should have been scared, but I wasn't. Not of

He might have been angry with me, but he was still gentle. Even as he gazed
down seriously, his fingers were gently and sortly caressing my cheek.

Alessio was doing it almost unknowingly, as it he needed to touch me, feel me. We stared at each other for a few seconds, Alessio looking suddenly lost for words. Slowly the rage in his eyes disappeared until they were soft with unspoken emotions. Still holding my hands captive above my head and my body under his, he slowly bent down until our foreheads were softly touching.

"I'm going to tell you a story," he said.

Confused,I only blinked up at him. A story? ls that why he dragged me here...for a story

"Alessio" I started, struggling under him, twisting my body with hopes that he wouid let me go

But he didn't. Instead, his hold on me tightened, and the glare was back.

Stop moving and isten. Not a word, Ayla.

With a sigh, I laid limply and waited for him to start his story. In fact, I was
curious what he had to say. So I was going to isten to his story. And then l would let him know I forgave him.

Alessio lost his glare again, and his lips touched the tip of my nose in a small
feather light kiss.

"There was once a woman with blue eyes and beautiful long
black hair. She was so beautiful and the kindest person ever. Her smiles and
laughter were infectious.
A man saw her, and she saw him. it was love at first sight, they said. They fell irrevocably in love with each other.
They both had a son and she told him his Angel one day would come, but he was bent on believing that his mother was his Angel."

A small smile played on his lips when he Said that last few words.

Then he lost the smile and his face twisted with a wave or pain, my heart
slammed to a stop before restarting with a paintully racing beat. My hold
tightened on Alessio, my fingers sortly caressing his shoulders. l wanted to offer him any type of comfort.

"But then the mother died. A slow, painful death. A cruel death that left
everyone heartbroken, especially the little boy."

I sucked in a harsh breath, and I knew...I just knew..this wasn't a story. It was reality.

"All he felt was darkness and pain. He was blinded by it, but over the years, he learned to be numb. Not to feel. He became darkness. He became a monster.

Alessio paused and then gave me a small sad smile.

Cold. Ruthless. Heartless. Arrogant. Killer. Unlovable. These are all the
words that little boy goes by now. He's respected and feared by all. He can't love
or be loved.

I flinched, my eyes squeezing shut for a second with sorrow. Those words were the same wordsI had hurled at Alessio in my atempt to hurt him.

"The boy long ago lost hope to find to his Angel. He thought it was a stupid
Idea. He refused to believe in Angels, for he believed that a monster can never
have an Angel. And he was a monster." His voice was low and gruff, almost

Never once did he stop touching me while talking. And I never let go of him

"Alessio, no." I shook my head, trying to stop his agonizing story. But it was impossible to stop him once he had started. He softly continued to rub my cheeks.

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