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6am Friday morning. Beep! Beep! Beep! Tiff's alarm blared. She turned over to hit the snooze button but quickly remembered she had a busy day ahead of her. If she wanted to do everything she had planned for the day. She had an early visit with DeLow at 9am that she couldn't miss again or DeLow would surely put his foot in her ass. The visit was only for 3 hours which should give her enough time to figure out what she was going to wear on this so called date she has with her boss. She was in her thoughts about that situation. She still was unsure if she should go but she told Ny that she would so that thought quickly exited her mind. She wondered where he was going to take her. If she should dress up or would she need to dress casual. She jumped out of bed to do her morning routine take a shower, brush her teeth, face cleansing and so forth. She dialed Ny's number but she didn't answer. She went to the kitchen and started making her and the baby something light so she didn't have to stop and grab something on the way to the prison. She made turkey bacon, scrambled eggs with cheese and a piece of jelly toast. Just as she buttered the last piece of toast she heard Dionne waking up. "Dadadada" Dionne was always sayin da which pissed Tiff off. She went to grab her and said, "Tell Dada to make you some breakfast then." While she tickled her belly. Her and the baby laughed and she kissed her on the head and put her in her high chair. That baby acted like it was the last supper. She inhaled that food. Tiff was thinking first you sleeping all night and now you eating all your food. "You are becoming such a big girl D." Dionne cooed and made baby noises. Tiff got her and Dionne dressed for the day. She packed a overnight bag for the baby and extra diapers for the road. Although she didn't want to admit it Tiffany was happy as ever that she had plans for the night even if it was with the guy who signs her paychecks. She headed to the car and found a note on her windshield. It read, "Can't wait to see you tonight. Check your backseat. Xoxo!" She was amazed and shocked among other feelings that crept up in her mind. She went to the backseat to put the baby in her car seat and there was a box with a single red rose placed on top. "I don't have time for this right now." She placed the box and the rose in the front seat buckled Dionne in and hopped in the front. She looked around for a second to see if he was somewhere close watching but he was gone. She sighed heavily and took off on her way to see DeLow. When she pulled up to the prison she parked the furthest away from the door. Barbed wire wrapped on top of the fence that stood about 15 feet in the air easily. The building a rustic brown that gave it a sad look and an old time feeling. Bars across every window and far off in the distance you could see some of the inmates in the yard. Some were walking around like lost puppies. Others were playing ball and a few just looked as if they were zombies with no life left in them, staring in to space. As she makes her way in to the lobby where you have to be searched and have your bags checked even though the only bags you can bring in are clear plastic baggies. Ny hated going through all of this extra bs. Not to mention it was a rip off financially. You couldn't bring cash in to see the inmates. Instead, you had to put your money on their plastic card that cost ten dollars to even get. They weren't even reusable. Which means every time you visit your loved ones you was paying ten out the gate if y'all wanted to eat and get snacks while you were there. The dress code was ridiculous. She adhered to all the rules no matter how crazy or outrageous because anything for DeLow. They jump through all the hoops and finally back to the visiting room waiting for DeLow to come out. Tiff grabs bbq chips, a snickers, a Twix, a meatball sub, cheeseburger and a 20oz sprite for DeLow from the vending machine. She turns to go sit back in their section and here he comes walking through the doors. He was looking fine as ever. The weight he had picked up she sure hoped he would never put it down. He stood 5'11, caramel complexion, a solid 210 on the scale, tatts covered his body, he had green eyes and a full goatee. His hair was jet black and waves was on swim. She put the food down she had just purchased and they embraced each other with a big warm hug. They kissed and hugged so long one of the guards yelled out, "That's enough!" They stayed locked together for a few more seconds and then they sat down. "Your turn nigga!" Tiff yelled out as she laughed, placing baby Dionne in DeLow's lap. "I been on baby duty too long by myself. She is yours the remainder of the time we here." "You act like that's a problem for me or something. I wish I could have her in here with me for real. I'd have to kill a nigga though. She daddy's one and only baby." Tiff cut him off. "Is that right? So I'm just chopped liver huh? Ok. Well let's see how she get down here to you next time. Let's see y'all make that..." DeLow cut Tiff of this time. "Awww you jealous baby? You know you my stinker butt!" He was making kissing noises and being weird. "That's my cue to go heat this food up for you. You are such a dick!" She laughed as she walked away to heat up his food. They sat and talked and took pictures. About an hour and a half in to their visit things go left. DeLow ask Tiffany her plans once she leaves from the visit. Not expecting that to be the next question he would ask, she stutters and manages to get out, "Uh, going out with Nyoke." "Bitch stop lying! So what nigga you fucking this time? You be having my daughter around all this weird ass niggas! I should..." "I am going out with Ny and what you mean this time. I ain't ever stepped out on you and I'm sick of you accusing me and thinking I'm a hoe out here! You stay..." "I stay what calling you on your shit. You don't ever call yo friend Nyoke. First off and two, you stuttering and shit. You lucky I'm in here. I would fuck your life up!" Tiffany responded. "You already did." Right before she grabbed the baby and left him where he sat. She left everything except the baby stuff got in her car and before her eyes could fill up with tears she got herself together. She had plans. Fuck DeLow!! She put her car in gear and took off to Ny's house.

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