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Earlier that same day. Dylan made his way to downtown New York. He was almost late because his alarm didn't go off. He ran up the 32 steps that lead him to the doors where he intended to right a mistake he had made so many years ago. At first everything seemed cool with Laura. They met at the grocery store. She was on the phone and the conversation must've been a good one because she ran right in to him with her cart. He should've knew she was a little crazy because as soon as she did it she tells him to watch where he's going. He laughed and said, "I hope they didn't give you a license driving like that." She ended her call and when she made eye contact that was all she wrote for them both. They exchanged numbers and talked all night and all day. They went on dates and met each other's families and they was really hitting it off. 6 months after meeting he asked her to marry him and 3 months after that they were married. After a year of trying to conceive, they decided to go with in vitro. Well the first pregnancy seemed promising. She was 4 months pregnant with their first baby girl. They were excited. Finally they will start their family. Then one night she was in so much pain. She had started to hemorrhage badly. It was like her body was rejecting the baby. That was devastating for them both. They weren't defeated though, so they tried again. This time it was worse. She didn't make it but 9 weeks and each time after her body would reject the baby before term. They tried a total of 5 times. The last time was a little over 2 years ago. After that miscarriage they had given up hope and he decided to surprise her with a puppy. It was a Yorkshire Terrier (yorkie). She was the prettiest little puppy. They named her Bella which was going to be their first daughters name. They loved on that puppy and she was the most spoiled puppy. About a year after they got the puppy Laura seemed to start to check out of the marriage. She wasn't cooking anymore. She wasn't interacting with Bella anymore. She began to get hostile about everything. Dylan tried everything in his power to save their marriage but she just was no longer available. He later found out that she had been having an affair for over a year. She thought her mister was going to leave his wife and when he didn't she tried to rekindle the flame that she had doused herself many moons ago. Dylan had filed for divorce and she didn't contest at first thinking her mister right now was going to be her everything. Well he stopped answering her calls and blocked her on everything when he found out she was getting a divorce. Dylan was already moved out in hotel downtown. She's showed up at his room unannounced and even had the front desk make her a key a couple of times using the wife card. He had to take paperwork down to show they were in the middle of a divorce and to keep her away. She went so far as to wear disguises because she knew she was banned from the hotel. Dylan made sure to keep records of all that had taken place for court. She wasn't going to have this court date rescheduled anymore. He was done. He was happy he had found Nyoke again. She was his true soulmate. He known it from the moment they first met. He ran through the courthouse out of breath and just in the Knick of time. The judge was just about to reschedule for a further date. "I'm here your honor. Please don't hit that gavel! I'm here!" The judge was annoyed but he heard their case and by the time they were halfway through what Laura had done he had a look of disgust on his face. He was ready to rule in Dylan's favor. Just when he was about to make his ruling Laura blurted out, "I'm pregnant!" Dylan's eyes lit up and then sadness came over him. If she's pregnant he would be a father but then what would he do about Nyoke. The moment was bitter sweet. The judge however, didn't fall for that animated scene she pulled. He called for a recess and ordered her to take a pregnancy test right then. Of course it was negative. Dylan was furious but I think the judge was even madder. He granted him his divorce and because he knew how sneaky Laura had been he had documents written up right then confirming everything that had happened in court. As he was anxiously leaving the courthouse, Laura caught up to him crying and trying to plead with him to stay. After that didn't work she thought about it. Bella. He loves that stupid dog. So she convinced him Bella was sick and had been sick for some time but he wasn't answering her calls so she couldn't get in touch with him to let him know. Dylan stopped in his tracks and said, "This better not be one of your tricks to get me to your house. I'm sick of this shit Laura." She put her head down and said with a straight face, " I can't believe you think I would use OUR baby. Bella to get you to come to OUR house. We bought it together." "Well you just won it in court or should I say I gave it to you. You can keep it all except Bella. I want Bella back." He said seriously. She didn't contest. "You can have her. She really needs you anyways. She really not doing good at all." He hops in the car with her, headed to the place they use to share and already scheduling an Uber to pick him up so he doesn't have to stay there a second longer than he has to. They pull up and usually Bella hears the car and comes running out. He sighs heavily. "She must really be sick. She didn't even come out to the car." Laura sniffles a little and says, "I told you." They go in the house and he's calling out her name. "Bella. Bella. Come here girl." He is panicked. Laura had went back to her room and said she's in here. He goes back to find Laura half naked sprawled across the bed. "What the fuck Laura? Where's Bella? I didn't come here for this." He looks across the hall where their daughters room would have been and placed his phone down to pick up her blanket. He holds it up to him close and closed his eyes imagining her little feet running across the floor. He snapped back to reality when Laura reached down and grabbed his manhood. "Stop playing with me. Where is my dog Laura?" He was getting irritated quickly. She swiped his phone and said, "Ok she's in the other room. She doesn't get around like she use to. The vet said it maybe cancer." He rushed to the other room and she was going through his contacts and text. She wrote down one that said Nyoke MyFuture. He came from the room grabbed his phone and said, "I'm done playing these games with you. Our divorce is final. I don't know what you did with Bella but I'm done. Don't contact me anymore." His Uber had just arrived. On his way out the door. She said yelled out, "Safe travels mothafucka. That dogs been gone. I sold her as soon as you took off!" He shook his head with a tear in his eye as he got in the car and headed to his hotel room to gather his things. That chapter in his life was officially over. The Uber waited for him downstairs and took him to the airport. Everything was lining up perfectly. "I should be to Ny no later than 4 o'clock." He was thankful. Little did he know he was in for a rude awakening when he touched down.

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