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Tiffany hops in her car. Hoping that everything with Ny and Dylan goes well. She knows her friend has no tolerance for bullshit and let's just be real she kinda crazy for real. Hell Dylan should already know. She beat up every girl that she even thought gave him the side eye in school. She even got in his ass a couple times. Her thoughts drifted from their problems to her own. She couldn't help but to second guess her decision to go out with her boss or any man for that matter. If DeLow found out, she could only imagine the rage that would boil up in that man. She thought maybe she should cancel or maybe go and have someone call and get her out the date early. Hell she didn't mess with anybody but Ny. She stopped fooling with her family once she was old enough to get away from the craziness. Her childhood was rough which is probably why she ended up with somebody like DeLow. Her mom and dad were never together if that's even her real dad. Her mom was a drug addicted prostitute who had her in hopes to sell her to the highest bidder. Well she tried a few times but her dad wasn't having it. He worked two jobs. One to support the family and the other to support her moms habit. He died of a heart attack when she was 11. Probably from working so much and the stress of her mother. She ran that man in to the ground. He was only 44 when he passed. Well after he wasn't there to protect Tiffany, her mom never sold her for keeps but she definitely loaned her out to whatever dealer would take her. If Tiffany would cry her mom would beat her or even go as far as to let the dealer beat her. She never had siblings. It was just her and her mom. Her grandmother disowned them once her mom started doing drugs. So she never met her. She doesn't even know if she's still alive or not. Once Tiffany turned 16 she was tired of her mother and the countless men she would allow to invade her youth. She had never tried to fight her mother back but this day she did. She fought hard and she won. She ran out the door and she heard the dealer punch her mother in the face while yelling profanities. He was mad because he had let her do her thing before he got paid. Since they had been trading off for years. Tiffany wasn't having it and she didn't care that he was beating her mother. She just ran and ran until her legs gave out on her. She had ran so long she collapsed on the street. When she opened her eyes she was surrounded by strange faces. She was in a place that she had never seen before. After her eyes adjusted she looked around and realized she was in a hospital room. The nurse asked her did she know where she was and what had happened. She made up a story about her training for a marathon and she just hit the wall. Pushed herself to hard. The nurse bought it and told her that they couldn't find any identification on her. She gave them some fake name said she was from out of town and really needed to get back to her family. They would be worried. The nurse took down her info and a few hours later after she felt Tiffany was stable she released her. Tiffany went out wandering the streets. She slept at a park that night but the next morning she would be sent what she thought was an Angel but the devil was once an Angel too. DeLow was in the park beating some guy that owed him money. The guy was trying to get away and fell on Tiffany. DeLow grabbed the dude up and his eyes locked on Tiffany's and the guy saw the opportunity to run away. He took off like his pants was on fire. DeLow helped Tiffany up and checked her out. Asking was she ok. She had bruised her arm but nothing major. He had asked what she had been doing out there that time of the morning. She made up another story saying she had come there to exercise in the mornings and had hurt her leg so she was resting. He didn't buy it though. He told her that she was coming home with him and she went willingly. At first it was bliss he took good care of her. He made sure she had everything she could ever think she wanted or needed. For years they were good. Minor arguments was all they really had until she started making friends and gaining some confidence. She felt like she was somebody oppose to something men used when her mother needed a fix. That's when the physical abuse started. First it was just a slap here and there but it gradually became worse. He really loved Tiffany and she loved him too. They had a toxic relationship. She had left him a couple of times but nothing ever stuck because she was a girl who needed specific things and no one seemed to meet her standards. Since DeLow was the only man she really known she always ended back with him. She snapped back in to reality and her mind focused. She was going on that date. She deserved it. Maybe this is really what she needed to take the edge off. She pulled in to her normal parking space and headed to her place to get ready for her date. She was excited yet nervous at the same time. She did her normal routine. She would lay out all that she was wearing on the bed. This time it was what her boss had picked out for her to wear and atop that was her perfumes, deodorants and matching jewelry. Her shoes that she had just purchased earlier sat at the feet of the bed where her clothing lay. She decided to wear the wrap arounds. She wrapped her hair up and put on a shower cap so she wouldn't get her hair wet and she always used dove body wash and an organic Yoni soap for her snatch. She had to pull out the extras today and shave her legs and everything else important since she was going on a date. Not that she intended on giving up the goods but she wanted them to be fresh and shaven regardless. Her 20 minute shower quickly turned in to a 45 minute shower when she grabbed her rose from the place she had it tucked in the bathroom. She decided to entertain herself before she headed out. So she could fight off temptation should it arise. She quickly dressed and got herself together and shot a quick text over to Nyoke. "I'm about to head out with Bossman. I hope everything turned out alright with you and Dylan. Y'all so cute together again. Just like old times. Well hmu later biiiiitch!" She hit send and headed out the door.

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