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On the way over to the home he used to share with his soon to be ex-wife, Sebastian calls the guy who he had previously met with the night before. The guy picks up on the first ring. "Hey. Everything is in motion. I set it all up and soon things will fall in to place. You just have to make sure those checks keep coming. You don't want this thing to fall apart. I had to pull a lot of strings and use a few favors to get this done." "That's not a problem. Where can we meet later for the first payment? You are one slick mothafucka you know that?" Sebastian said laughing a little. "Same spot. We can meet around seven. You get what you pay for and you my friend pay very well. Later." The guy said before hanging up the phone. Sebastian was relieved. He smiled deviously because he knew he was well on his way to getting everything he ever wanted. He believed money could fix everything and could buy anything. So far in his life it was very true. It was his money that kept his wife in check all those years. It was money that made him marry her in the first place. Money may be the root to all evil but it was the source to all your hopes and dreams and he was willing to pay any price to get what he wanted. As he pulled up to his old residence he was more than happy when he saw the moving company already there loading up his things. He tipped them good and made sure they had the correct address to Tiffany's. He told them to put everything in the garage for now and he would go through and sort things out once he had returned. Surprisingly his wife was calm. She greeted him with a soft hello. She looked worn out and defeated. He greeted her and told her she should go lie down. She looked as if she had sat in that spot all night. "Look I know this seems bad right now but it's for the best. We never loved each other. We were just going through the motions. It's better to end it now then to grow to hate each other later." He pleaded with her. He wanted her to be ok for the boys sake. They only had a few more years and they both would be off to college and then she could wallow in her sorrows.  He would no longer be there physically to help her with her sons so she needed to get with the program. She got up from the seat and she walked over to him and she hugged him. She whispered softly in his ear. "I already do hate you." Then she walked up the stairs and retired to her room. He wasn't shocked by her comment but it did take him by surprise. He has other things to worry about. He had to make the drop and make it back over to Tiffany's. He finished up and made sure all of his things were good to go. He took one last look at the house, made a deep sigh and headed out. More than ready to start his new life with his new family. Praying that nothing falls apart in the meantime.

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