Chapter 1

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I woke up to the sound of Liam and I's alarm clock. I stretched as I got up and saw that Liam wasn't in bed. I could see that Liam was coming out of our attached bathroom. His pants snug around his waist and his chest bare. He walked over and kissed me with such a roughness. Once he released my lips I headed downstairs and got breakfast ready and made Liam a lunch real quick. Just as I bagged up the rest of his lunch Liam was walking into the kitchen.
Liam grabbed his lunch and a piece of toast and kissed me quickly before heading to the front door.
"I'll be home around 7pm. Have dinner ready." Liam said and walked out the door. I sighed and went upstairs to wake up Luca and Henry.
All three of us then headed downstairs and had breakfast. After breakfast I got them dressed and put Aladdin on the tv so I could go get ready.
Once I made my way upstairs I showered real quickly and once I was done I looked in the mirror and wanted to cry. There were some old bruises on my body and some new fresh ones from yesterday. I wiped my tears and put some make up on my bruises to cover them up. I then got changed into my black sweater and some blue leggings and my white Tom's.
I brushed my hair and watched the rest of Aladdin with Luca and Henry. We then went to the park and got some ice cream and then went home. Once there I gave the boys a bath and started dinner. I finished exactly at 6:58pm and placed it on the table just as Liam walked in the door and sat down at the table.
Dinner was silent between Liam and I with Luca and Henry talking to each other and giggling.
"How is it?" I asked
"It's good." Liam said and continued to eat in silence.
I sighed and decided to get the boys faces cleaned up.
"I'm putting Luca and Henry to bed I'll be right back." I said and took them both upstairs and laid them in bed, read them a story and kissed them goodnight.
"Mommy?" Luca asked
"Yes sweetie?"
"Daddy say night night?" Luca asked.
"I'll ask him." I said and got up and turned their night light on and left the room and headed to the kitchen and saw Liam putting his dish in the sink.
"The boys want you to say good night to them." I said.
Liam just walked passed me and headed upstairs. I washed the dishes quickly and headed upstairs exhausted. I then changed into some pajama's quickly and got under the covers as Liam walked into our room.
"They're asleep." Liam said as he took his shirt off and then his pants. He got into bed in just his boxers and wrapped his arms around my waist.
We kissed and then fell asleep. This was the part of Liam that I loved. You have yet to see the other part of my husband.

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