Chapter 16

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Liam and I were heading to my mom's today. His parents, sisters, and my brother and sister would be there. We were finding out what we were having today. Harry said he was also making it a baby shower which I told him not to do but he wouldn't listen. I just hope he didn't go over board. I nervously looked out the car window, biting my lip.
"What's wrong?" Liam asked as he drove.
"I'm just nervous. I hope my brother didn't go overboard." I said.
"Knowing how Harry is, he probably did." Liam laughed.
I then looked at the back seat and saw that both boys were asleep. I then turned back to face Liam.
"Can you promise me something?" I asked nervously.
"What is it?" Liam asked concentrating on the road.
"Promise me that if you and Harry get into a fight that you will either set it aside just this once or at least go outside away from Luca and Henry. I don't want you scaring them like last time." I said.
"I promise. Even though, I believe I have gotten better at controlling my anger." Liam said. I'll admit that was true, but that doesn't mean he won't slip up. I mean it has almost happened a few times already.
"Still, just try not to fight with him today." I said.
I then looked back at the seat and saw both boys stirring, meaning they would be up in a few seconds.
Five minutes later both boys woke up. I gave them their breakfast I packed since we left early. Before I knew it we had arrived at my mom's house.
"Hello dear!" My mom said coming outside and giving Liam and I a hug. She then began to help Liam get the boys. "Nana!" I could hear both Luca and Henry say as she helped Liam and told me to go inside. I walked inside and I was right. My brother went over board there was a cupcake tray, two mini cakes, one purple, one black and it was nightmare before Christmas theme since my brother knew I was obsessed with that movie. Their was Jack and Sally cookies. Some cookies said team jack, team sally, team Jack and sally. There was also a station for people to write wishes, leave gifts, or if they wanted they could create their own little onesie for the babies and a lot more!
I walked into the kitchen and saw Gemma laughing at Harry as he ran around the kitchen cooking food.
"I thought I said not to go overboard!" I said sounding like I was mad but I actually wasn't.
"Courtney!" Gemma said and gave me a hug, Harry then pushed her out of the way.
"I couldn't resist! Please forgive me!" Harry pouted."
"I forgive you, but honestly you should just have your own bakery instead of singing at this point with all the desserts you made." I said.
"I'm sorry. I just got overly excited when I saw the results!" Harry said.
"He wouldn't even let mom, Robin and I see. He basically shunned us from seeing the cake!" Gemma pouted.
"Uncle Harry! Aunt Gem!" I heard Henry and Luca say as they ran into the kitchen and gave their Aunt and Uncle a hug.
"Okay you two, let Uncle Harry finish cooking. How about we go get you two ready." I said.
"I'll do it. You sit down and rest until the baby shower. It's going to be a long day." Gemma said.
"Thanks." I said and they ran off with Gemma. I was about to go sit on the couch, but Harry grabbed my arm.
"How are you and Liam?" Harry asked.
"Better. Promise me the same thing I made him promise me." I said.
"What's that?" Harry asked.
"If you two feel like you are going to get into a fight you either take it outside or just put it aside for today. I don't want you scaring Luca and Henry like last time." I said .
"I promise." Harry said.
"Good." I said and gave him one more hug.
I then went and sat down on the couch with Liam and waited for everyone to arrive.
Before we knew it everyone had arrived. I ended up giving Louis a big hug. I haven't seen him in forever. To be honest, I honestly think Luca is Louis son with how much they look alike, but I wasn't going to tell Liam that. Besides Lou and I only ever did it once and it was a spur of the moment thing. Shhh don't tell Liam, he would lose it. We're still best friends though. I also gave our friend Niall a big hug when he arrived.
"Okay! Now that everyone is here, make sure to check out the desserts and pick if you're team boys, team girls or both! Also make sure to write down your wishes for the newest additions, make a onesie, take picture in the Photo Booth and write message to the babies in the book. And just have fun for a bit! We'll do the cake in a little bit." Harry said happily. I then mingled a little bit with everyone but sat down a few minutes later, because my feet started to hurt.
Before I knew it, Harry brought out a tray with two cakes. They both said Baby Jack or Baby Sally?
"Okay are we ready!" Harry said and everyone cheered, Henry and Luca just looked confused, but stood by Anne and Robin. Liam and I then cut the first one.
"Baby A is...." Harry started leaving everyone in suspense.
"A boy! Yes!" Liam shouted! And I groaned along with the other girls.
"Alright now time for baby b!" Harry said with a grin and Liam and I then cut the next cake
"Baby B is....." Harry started
"A girl!" I said excitedly as Liam put the knife down and we hugged. We were getting one of each.
"Mommy?" Henry said pulling on my dress.
"What's going on?" Luca asked.
"You boys are getting a brother and a sister." Liam said and ruffled their hair.
They grinned and then asked for cake, making Liam and I both laugh. We then took some family pictures, I took a few with Louis, my sons, and I. I also just took some with Louis and some with just Liam and I. After pictures I then opened my gifts and by the end of the night I was exhausted so we just stayed at my mom's

(Name suggestions for the twins and what do you want to see happen?)

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