Chapter 6

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I woke up to my alarm going off to see that it was 6am. I got up earlier than usual so that I could get ready. I heard Liam groan as I got up from the bed.
"What time is it?" Liam groaned.
"It's 6am. Go back to sleep. I'm just getting ready and making sure I have everything for my mom's." I said.
"No. I'll get up." Liam said and got up from the bed and stretched. I headed to the bathroom with Liam following me. I turned on the shower and then brushed my teeth real quick before stripping my clothes and getting under the shower. I could feel Liam wrap his arms around my waist.
"Might as well save some water and shower together." Liam said and kissed my neck.
Once we were done showering we both got out and got dressed. Liam was wearing the shirt I got him with a red flannel and some jeans, and some combat boots. I got dressed into a black dress with a blue sweater and my silver flip flop sandals. I put make up on any noticeable bruises and put my hair in a side pony.
"You look beautiful." Liam said and kissed me.
"Thank you." I said and buttoned his flannel so his shirt wasn't showing.
"What are you doing?" Liam asked confused.
"Can you please button this until I give my mom her gift? If not it's okay." I said.
"Okay." Liam said and buttoned his shirt. I then grabbed my phone and headed out of the bedroom with Liam following behind.
"Can you please get the boys ready?" I asked.
"Sure." Liam said and went to Luca's room first as I headed downstairs. I grabbed Liam's car keys and put the gifts in the trunk. I then grabbed the baby bag for Henrik and a bag of snacks, and some other things the boys would need for the ride and put that in the car. I then went back inside and grabbed my purse just as Liam was coming down holding Henrik and Luca in front of Liam.
"Mommy!" Luca said and hugged me.
"There's my big boy! You ready to see Grandma?" I said
"Yeah!" Luca said.
I looked to see that Henrik was still asleep in Liam's arms.
"I'm going to put them in the car." Liam said and grabbed Luca's hand and lead the boys to his car.
I quickly put some waffles in the toaster and put them in a zip log baggie and headed to the car. Once inside I handed Luca his waffle but kept Henrik's for later since he was still asleep.
"Ready?" Liam asked and I nodded and he started the car and we headed to my mom's. Halfway through the car ride Henry woke up and I gave him his waffle. Luca was playing peek a boo with his younger brother making him giggle. About 30 minutes later we had arrived at my mom's. Liam got the boys out and the bags that we needed for the day and I got the gifts out. We then walked up to the door and I rang the door bell. The door then opened and my mom appeared.
"Hi mom." I said with a smile.
"Grammy!" Henry and Luca said and she hugged them both and kissed their cheeks.
"Hello loves." Anne said and then gave me and Liam a hug.
"Please come in." My mom said. We walked into the house and I set the gifts down. Liam put the bags up into the guest room him and I usually stay in when we come over.
"Where are Harry and Gemma?" I asked.
"They are outside on the deck. Would you like me to go get them?" Mom asked and I shook my head.
"No it's okay. I'll surprise them. Would you mind giving Luca and Henry a snack?" I said with a smile.
"Of course. Henry, Luca who wants a snack?" My mom said to the boys. They both ran into the kitchen with Anne following behind. Liam then came downstairs and I asked him if he could help my mom with the boys and he agreed. I then headed out to the deck and saw Gemma and Harry chatting away.
"Hello? Anyone home?" I said jokingly.
Gemma and Harry then both turned their head in my direction and grinned.
"Courtney!" Harry said excitedly and tackled me in a hug. I nearly fell over, but Gemma pulled Harry off of me and gave me a proper hug.
"Mom didn't tell us you were coming over!" Gemma said excitedly.
"I wanted to surprise you guys. Liam, Luca and Henrik are here too." I said with a smile.
"Where are my nephews!" Gemma said excitedly and ran inside causing Harry and I to laugh. Once we stopped laughing Harry gave me a proper hug.
"How are you doing sis?" Harry asked.
"I'm okay. Hanging in there." I said.
"Is everything okay with you and Liam?" Harry asked concerned and I bit my lip. A nervous habit of mine.
"Yeah we're great." I said a with a smile but I could tell Harry didn't buy it. Before he could say another word I headed inside with him following me.
I saw the boys playing blocks with Gemma and Liam sitting on the couch with my mom watching them. Harry went over and gave Liam a bro hug.
"Would you like anything to drink dear?" My mom asked but I shook my head. I then walk over to the gift bags.
"Here mom, this is for you, and this is for Gemma and this is for Harry." I said.
"You didn't have to get me anything dear." Anne said.
"Nonsense, you may not have given birth to me but you are more of a mom to me than my own. Happy Mother's Day mom." I said. I could see the surprise on mom's face when she took out the onesies that said "Can't wait to meet you Grandma!" "Me too Grandma!" Harry then opened his bag and pulled out a shirt that said World's Best Uncle and Gemma got a World's Best Aunt.
"You're pregnant!" Gemma said excitedly and hugged me.
"Yes. Is Robin here? I would like to give him his gift too." I said.
"What's going on?" I looked up the stairs to see Robin coming down.
I gave him a hug and his gift which was a onesie that said Can't wait to meet you grandpa and another one that said me too.
"Congratulations." Robin and Anne said.
"Why are there two onesies though?" Anne asked.
Liam unbuttoned his flannel and as soon as he did my mom and Gemma were squealing.
After another round of hugs and congratulations my mom made lunch and we sat around chatting. I excused myself and got up and headed into the kitchen to get some water. As I drink my water I heard someone come into the kitchen, I turned around and see Harry.
"Is something wrong bro?" I asked as I placed my glass in the sink.
"Courtney, I need to know is everything okay with you and Liam?" Harry asked.
"Of course it is. Why wouldn't it be?" I asked.
"Well for one you bit your lip outside which you only do when you're nervous or hiding something, second you and him have barely spoken to each other since you got to mom's."
"We're fine Harry." I said and went to walk past Harry, but he grabbed my wrist stopping me.
"Courtney please. You know you can trust me if something is wrong right?" Harry said concerned. I could see the worry in his eyes as he looked at me. I pulled away my wrist, but as I did some of the make up on it came off and Harry's eyes widened at the bruise. I quickly covered it.
"What is that?" Harry asked.
"It's nothing." I said.
Before Harry could say anything else Liam was walking into the kitchen.
"Is everything okay in here?" Liam asked.
"Y-yeah everything is fine babe." I said and began to walk out of the kitchen but Liam grabbed my arm stopping me he then looked at Harry who nodded and walk out of the room.
Liam then glanced at my wrist and pull me into what looked like a hug to everyone else, but in reality he was squeezing my waist tightly.
"You are going to excuse yourself and go up stairs to put some more make up on that bruised wrist. Do I make myself clear?" Liam said low in anger
"Y-yes dear." I said and Liam kissed me forcefully. I then excuse myself from everyone and head up stairs and put more make up on my wrist. I then head back downstairs and just hoped that the rest of the day would go smoothly.

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