Chapter 4

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Courtney's POV
After Liam had kissed me and sent me upstairs I went to get a shower. As the water ran down my body I couldn't help but think why was he acting so kind? He's been in such a bad mood lately so why now all of the sudden is he acting like this? I tried to think what could be with the change, but my mind was blank. After I was done shaving and washing I turned the water off and wrapped a towel around me and headed to the bedroom. I put on some black jeans and a nice blue top and some socks. I then brushed my hair and did my make up covering up some bruises that I noticed. I then grabbed my phone and looked to see I had a text from my brother, my sister and my mom (well adoptive mom).

Harry: Hey sis! Hope you have a great Happy Mother's Day weekend tomorrow! Enjoy! See you in the studio Tuesday! Love ya.

Gemma: Happy Early Mother's Day weekend sis! Liam and those little munchkins of yours better spoil you. Love ya.

Anne (Mom): Courtney I may not have given you life, but you have always been my child. I hope you have a wonderful Mother's Day tomorrow and this weekend, please visit soon. Love you.

Oh crap I forgot. That's why Liam was acting all weird. It was Mother's Day this weekend. I texted my mom and my siblings back thanking them and went down stairs.
"There you are. I was starting to worry." Liam said as I sat down.
"Sorry. Didn't want to get out of the shower it felt too good."
"It's alright love." Liam said placing my plate on the table. He then started to cook some eggs, which I usually like the smell of but the smell just made me sick.
"Excuse me." I said getting up quickly and running to our downstairs bathroom and throwing up in the toilet.
"Love are you alright?" Liam asked as he pulled my hair back.
"I'm fine." I said washing my mouth out by brushing my teeth again.
"Are you sure?" Liam asked.
"Yes. Just no eggs for me. Please." I said and sat back down to eat. Liam then joined me.
"So it's Mother's Day on Sunday." Liam said.
"Yes I know." I said.
"I made us dinner reservations for Sunday." Liam said.
"You didn't have to do that." I said.
Liam then took my hand in his.
"I want to. Besides I know I haven't been the greatest husband lately with how I have been treating you and I'm so sorry love. You don't deserve that. I want to make it up to you by making sure that you have the best Mother's Day weekend ever." Liam said.
"You really don't have to do that." I said.
"I want to. You are an amazing mother to our boys and I want to show you how much I appreciate you." Liam said and kissed my hand.
"Thank you." I said.
Liam and I then ate the rest of our breakfast and he washed the dishes. We then went out for a walk to our favorite park until it was time to get the boys.
"I'll be back in a little bit." Liam said as we we arrived home from our walk.
"Wait Liam." I said grabbing him by the arm.
"Yes?" Liam asked.
"Is it okay if I go buy something for my mom for Mother's Day and we maybe see her for a little bit tomorrow since we won't be able to on Sunday." I asked.
"Sure love, whatever you want." He said without hesitation which shocked me.
"Great I'll call her and let her know." I said and Liam kissed me.
"Just let me know the details when I come home." Liam said and left to get the boys.
I sighed and headed inside and got the keys to the other car. I put my Bluetooth on and called my mom as I drove to the mall.
"Hello?" My mom said.
"Hi mom." I said
"Oh hi love! How are you dear?" My mom asked
"I'm good. Happy Early Mother's Day weekend." I said.
"Same to you love."
"Listen, are Harry and Gemma with you?" I asked.
"No, they are coming later tonight and spending the weekend though. Why do you ask?" My mom asked.
"Don't tell them, but Liam and I are coming down with the boys tomorrow. We're not staying the night as he made plans for Sunday but we were going to come down for the day." I said.
"Oh that's wonderful! I'm glad to hear it! Don't worry I won't tell Gemma and Harry! I'm sure they'll be surprised." My mom said.
"Is 8:30 to early to come down?"
"No I'll be up probably before then anyway. Any time is fine." My mom said
"Well I've got to go. Bye mom!" I said
"Bye love! I'll see you tomorrow." I then hung up and pulled up to the mall and once I found a parking spot I grabbed a basket since I didn't think I would need a cart.
I then went to the drug store in the mall first and got a few pregnancy tests. I paid for them and took them there and waited. Once I heard the timer go off I saw the little positive sign. I sighed and then went shopping for my mom and got something for Liam to tell them. I hoped this went well.

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