Chapter 8

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Once we were back inside the house I saw Liam sitting next to my step dad watching the football (soccer) game that just came on.
I sighed and walked into the kitchen and saw that Gemma, Harry, and Anne were all inside chatting, but stopped when I came into the room.
"Sorry for interrupting. I just need some water." I said.
"No problem dear." Anne said and opened the fridge and gave me a cold water bottle.
"Are you alright? You seem like something is on your mind dear."
"No I'm fine. Can I have a cuppa?" I asked and sat down at the counter.
"Of course dear." Anne said and began making some tea.
"Where are Henry and Luca?" I asked completely forgetting about them. I already had pregnancy brain and I wasn't even that far.
"They are in the other room with Robin and Liam. Are you sure you're alright?"
"Yeah I just have a lot on my mind." I said.
"Like what?" Harry asked.
"Nothing to worry about." I said as mom handed me my tea.
"Can I have some honey please?" I asked.
"I already put honey in it for you." Anne said.
"You remembered how I like it?" I asked.
"Of course," Anne sat down at the table with Harry, Gemma and I. "like I told you before Courtney, while Harry, and Gemma are biologically mine, the way I see it, you are too. Yes, you all have the same father and I may not be biologically your mother, you will always be MY child. Now what is bothering you?" My mom said.
"Aw she's crying." Gemma teased and I quickly wiped eyes.
I quickly wiped them and shook my head.
"I guess I'm just a little stressed that's all. I feel like Liam and I aren't ready for another kid let alone two." I said.
"Why though? I've seen how you are with those two boys. You and Liam are great parents to those boys." My mom said with a smile.
"Liam and I just aren't in a good place right now. I mean Liam works late hours and I never know when he's on call." I said with a sigh.
"It will work out dear." Anne said and I handed her my finished cup of tea.
"I hope." I said.
"Why don't you go get me the boys and I'll keep them occupied while you go lay down."
"Thank you." I said and wiped my tears which resulted in a little make up removal. I didn't notice that my mom widened her eyes.
"Call me if the boys get too rowdy, oh and remember no cookies with any kind of nuts or peanut butter for Luca and nothing with blueberries for Henry." I said
"Yes dear I know." I sighed and headed out of the kitchen.
"Luca, Henry Grandma Anne needs your help in the kitchen. If you ask nice maybe she'll give you a treat." I said and they both stopped playing and ran into the kitchen. I then started to head up stairs, "Where are you going?" I heard Liam ask.
"I just need to lay down for a minute. I'm not feeling well." I said and headed upstairs and laid down on the bed of my old room. I then fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.

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