Chapter 3

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Liam's POV
I woke up with a groan as the sun shined in my face. I looked over to see that my wife was still sleeping. Glancing at the clock I saw that it was 7am. With a sigh I got up and I decided to let Courtney sleep in. I've been awful to her lately and I hate it. I hate that I treated her like crap yet again yesterday. She didn't deserve it.
Getting out of bed I stretched my muscles and went to the bathroom to do my daily routine and then changed into some blue faded jeans and a white shirt with a red flannel and grabbed a pair of socks and put them on and went to get the boys up.
"Luca!" I said as I shook my oldest gently.
"Daddy?" He said
"Hey buddy. Time to get up." I said.
"No me sleep." Luca said.
"You have daycare today and so does Henry."
"No want to go." Luca whined.
"Not even if Daddy takes you today and picks you up?" I bargained.
"You take me? Not mommy today?" Luca asked.
"Yes but you have to get ready." I said.
Luca got up out of bed and I helped him change and then we went to Henry's room who happened to be up already. I changed him real quick and saw that Courtney was still asleep in our bedroom. She must be exhausted, normally she's up by now.
"How about we get McDonald's for breakfast?" I asked.
"But mommy said we only have it on special days." Luca said.
"It'll be our little secret." I said and both my sons giggled.
Once we pulled up to the drive thru I got them the mini pancake happy meal. We then headed to their daycare.
Once I parked, I got them out and buzzed the bell to be let in.
"Oh. Hello Luca! Hello Henry! Who is this?" The lady at the desk asked.
"This is my daddy Miss. Susie! He bring us today!" Luca said excitedly.
"Oh Hello Mr.Payne. I'm sorry I didn't recognize you. You're wife usually brings them. My apologies." Miss. Susie said.
"It's quite alright. I'm usually into work by 8 but today is my day off. Where are their classrooms?" I asked.
"Oh yes, please just put their names down here." Susie said handing me a clip board. I signed both boys in with the time.
"Right this way." Susie said and lead me to the first room with a caterpillar on the door.
"This is Henry's classroom." She said and opened the door.
"Hi Miss. Bri! This my daddy!" Henry said.
"Hello." Miss. Bri said and took Henry's hand and lead him to his cubby. I then was lead go Luca's room that had a bunny on the door.
Once we were inside he gave me a hug and ran off. Miss. Susie then lead me back to the front.
"I'll be picking them up around 1pm. We have some last minute things to do for Mother's Day." I said.
"Well we do have nap time at 12pm but I'll let their teacher's know to have them ready by 1pm." Miss. Susie said.
"Thank you." I said and left.
I then called and made a dinner reservation at Rosso E Nero for Mother's Day and I picked up some groceries to make us lunch and breakfast. I then headed home and put the groceries away and heard Courtney coming down stairs.
"Liam? What are you doing home? Aren't you late for work." She asked.
I kissed her and pulled her close to me.
"Nope. I have off today and this weekend. Now why don't you get ready and I'll make you some breakfast?" Liam said.
"But I have to bring the boys to daycare." Courtney said
"Already done. Now go get ready. What would you like for breakfast love?"
"Is eggs and pancakes alright?" Courtney asked me unsurely.
"Of course now go get ready." I said and kissed her. I then started on breakfast as she went upstairs. I was determined to make today and this Mother's Day weekend the best she's had.

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