Chapter 23

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It's been about 3 months since I have been living with Harry. I still do photo shoots with him, but I have been laying low on social media due to the whole Liam issue. I have been ignoring his texts and calls. I know he's still my husband, but I'm just not ready to go back to him if at all.
Henry and Luca have been a big help with their new siblings. Luca also met his real dad Louis, which he was a little confused about but overall happy. Louis and Luca have been getting along great which I'm happy about.
"Hey sis." I jumped at I was snapped out of my thoughts.
"Sorry I didn't mean to startle you."
"It's fine. I was just thinking. What is it?"
"I think you should get out of the house for a bit. You have been cooped up in here and only leave when you have a shoot. It isn't healthy." Harry said concerned.
"I just don't want to take the chance of running into Liam." I said.
"I know. Have you thought anymore about what you are going to do?"
"No, I just want to focus on the kids right now Harry. I don't know what to do honestly."
"Has he tried contacting you?"
"Yes, but I haven't been answering. Harry I really don't want to talk about this right now." I said getting up and walking into the kitchen to get some water.
"Do you want to go for a walk? I'll come so you're not alone in case we run into you know who."
"I really don't want to. Besides I should wait for Louis to get back with Luca." I said.
"I'll just tell Louis to meet us at the closest park. Sis, you have to get outside."
"But the twins, they're too little. Maybe, we should just stay home and Henry is napping." I said.
"Okay, that's it." Harry said and took out his phone. He then texted someone.
"Mom will be here in 30 minutes, which gives you plenty of time to get ready. We are going out and that is final." Harry said. I sighed and went upstairs and changed out of my pajamas that I have been in all day. I just put my hair up and put my glasses on since I didn't feel like bothering with my contacts. I then brushed my teeth and I grabbed my phone. I glanced at it and saw bunch of messages and missed calls from Liam. The most recent one today. I opened it.
Please babe. Call me. Text me. Anything, we need to talk. I miss you and the kids. I'm sorry.
I ignored it and put my phone in my pocket and grabbed Henry from his bed.
"Mommy?" He groaned.
"Shhh. Go back to sleep baby." I said and carried him downstairs.
"Hello darling!" My mom said and I shushed her.
"Oh sorry dear, you take Henry. I've got the twins." She said with a smile.
"Are you sure? I don't have to go. I can stay and help." I said.
"Nope. You go have a good time with your brother and Henry. The twins and I will be just fine," My mom said happily. "Oh here, I packed a few snacks. Harry said you guys were going to the park and meeting up with Louis and Luca."
I sighed, took the snack bag, and put Henry in his car seat and got in the passenger seat and Harry in the driver seat.
"Let's get this over with." I said.
"Stop being so negative. You'll have fun and if you don't I promise you can whack me upside the head later." Harry said with a smile.
"Fine." I said and Harry drove off. Once we arrived at the park I heard Henry groan as I took him from his car seat and Harry grabbed the snack bag.
"Hey baby. Have a good nap?" I asked.
"Where we?" Henry groaned.
"We're at the park with Uncle Harry and Louis, and Luca." I said as I followed Harry over to Louis. I tried setting Henry down but he clung to me, having just woken up.
"Henry come play!" Luca said
"Luca why don't you give your brother a minute." I said and sat down.
"Come on little man, let's go play! I haven't seen you all day!" Harry said and ran off with Luca as I held Henry and Louis sat by me.

(Next chapter is going to be some Louis and Courtney!)

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