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I was feeling uneasy, as I stirred around in my grandma's bed unable to sleep. I've been staying with my grandma now for the past two days since she fell sick and requested for I and my cousin to look after her till she gets better.

Derin and I hadn't made up yet, he did try countless of times to get me to talk to him. He called, texted, bought me food but I wasn't giving in. He was starting to get really tired of chasing me around and I was starting to feel guilty for suffering him this much but it was the only way for me to feel better after everything he put me through.

Sayo and I still talked and met up, he told me how he felt about me and I rejected his feelings in the kindest way possible. He understood why and said he didn't mind being friends with me and that he'll start looking after me like a younger sister which was really sweet of him.

My cousin was still awake as she pressed her phone, she noticed the state I was in as I watched her off her phone turning to look at me. Dazzle was one of my favorite cousins from my mother's side, and we've been tied to the hip way from when she was born. Although I was older than her with two years, I found it easier to talk about some stuff with her since she usually acted so mature about things.
"What's wrong big Cous? You seem unable to sleep?" She asked..

"I just can't stop thinking about someone.." I whispered softly
"Oouu, you're inlove with someone?" She teased playfully.

"Not really.. I just.. I just miss him that's all" I answered.
"Then what's stopping you from texting him?" She asked confused
"Well he did something that really hurt my feelings and I've been ignoring him ever since then." I answered
"I see.. who's this guy sef ?" She asked curiously
"Derin" I said

"Derin.. as in tall, fair really cute Derin with the curly hair??" She squealed
"Oh my god! Text him joor" she pushed
"But.. I'm currently ignoring him" I answered.

"You miss him a lot don't you?" She said giving me a look
"Yes I do..but.."
"No buts!, did he apologize for what he did?" She asked
"Countless timesss" I answered.

"Aww that's soo cute! So why are you acting like a prissy princess?" She asked sitting up and folding her arms.
"Dazzle!, c'mon now.. aren't you going to take my side?" I asked in amusement

"You know I'll always tell you the truth. Plus I think derin's really cute and well I ship you two like crazy.. and I just feel like you're unnecessarily suffering yourself" she answered
"You do know he has a girlfriend right?" I said with a chuckle
"Does that change anything?" She asked

"It changes everything cousin!" I said laughing at her obliviousness.
"Whatever, just text him and get it all over with.. I bet he misses you a lot" she answered
I opened my phone going straight to my chat with Derin to see our unread chats unsure about texting him or not when my cousin immediately grabbed my phone out of my hands as she typed "hi Derin."
"Dazzle, Why did you do that?!" I asked in shock.

"You'll thank me for this cousin" she said with a proud smile giving me back my phone.
Derin's type bubble immediately came up, his text coming in "Tami, hi.. you finally texted me".
"Yeah.." I replied
The conversation seemed to be going downhill awkward when i read his incoming message causing a smile to grow on my lips.
"I've missed talking to you tam tam"
"Ooo, she's blushing.. seee, I knew that he missed you." My cousin said bumping shoulders with me teasingly.

"Face your phone joor" I ordered playfully causing her to laugh.
"I'm really sorry for acting like a jerk, for real this time.." he sent
"Why did you take it too far? I mean.. Sayo's your brother" I said
"I know.. it's just, I was jealous.."
"Jealous? Why?"
"Well I haven't told anyone before but I'm insecure around Sayo.. he's so perfect that it makes me feel inferior" he answered
Was Derin kidding me?! If we were talking about who was perfect between both brothers I'd honestly pick Derin.

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