I recommend skipping the youtube video to 3:00!
Sometimes I feel like a piece is missing.
Or like a puzzle that's incomplete.
So many pieces are there waiting to be picked up
and placed in just the right spot, at just the right angle.
Perfection in one little piece before me.
Yet many spaces remain unfilled.
It's like a void, those spaces.
A void I can't fill.
I ponder on where those pieces I long for go.
I mean, they can't have gone far.
Can they?
I try to mix and match the pieces until they fit again,
thinking maybe I'll scrounge up something to occupy the spaces that remain.
Sometimes I do.
Sometimes I don't.
I often find myself jealous of the pieces that do fit
because I can't seem to do the same thing with the others.
It can't be that hard-
I try to convince myself.
Somehow I still can't manage,
no matter how hard I try to replicate the same actions.
And sometimes, the pieces that are there can't seem to fit.
They're made to fit, so why don't they?
Everyone else's puzzle doesn't seem to be giving them
as hard a time as mine.
I catch myself wondering if switching is an option.