Little rays of sun
Gather into a beam of light-
Now one.
... Not seen as fondly as before,
much like a faint knock on my door.
I take it in as I take in a breath,
each appearance swift and heft.
My whole being encapsulated in joy
Briefly, before the moment I try to destroy. Me.
Each time I ploy
A miraculous comeback,
One the world has never seen.
I wonder what that even truly means. To Me.
Even so, I focus on these moments;
Moments soft and gentle, caressing me...
Like A Melody.
I let the sounds of the peaceful
fill my heart with glee,
for I am so certain and so sure
That is all I need
To return to reality, from the dispiritedness
That is me.
I open my arms welcoming it
This newfound byte of happiness
and it welcomes me, like I fit.
I'm grateful for this
and all the little happinesses.
I'm more than blessed, but in truth
There's no one who deserves this less.
Even so, I embrace it
like I've known it since birth.
Embrace it with my all
Letting it pour in and fill me whole.
Let it plant like dirt to the earth,
Let it flow like water through a valley,
Let it be a mark on my tally,
Let it dance amongst my ear drums,
Let it come and go—
Like A Melody.