Check-In (A Milestone Story)

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A/n: Hello! I bet none of you were expecting this, but here I am. As of writing this (October 3rd, I know I've been putting it off.) Masks is the number 1 story in the Makoto Nijiima genre on Wattpad. So I thought, why not give you guys a little something something.

Who knows, maybe I'll do something for another milestone.

Image is not mine.


"Goodbye!" (Y/n) waved off his classmates as the distance between them grew. Once they were far enough, the male turned and looked to the side. It was about 2:30 in the afternoon, and he no longer had any classes for the day.

The University of Tokyo was a big place, even bigger than Gekkoukan if he had to say. However, he doubted that. Especially when Mitsuru was renovating the school every chance she got, (Y/n) wondered how she hadn't gone bankrupt yet.

There was a lull in the air, he'd been at this for a few months now and he still wasn't used to college. He supposed there just wasn't getting used to this, a hand made its way to his face. He could feel the phantom sensation of the mask resting on his cheeks, he smiled. He was still whole, he could feel the dozens of Personae swirling around within the sea of his soul.

"What're you doing?" (Y/n) jumped as a new voice came from behind him, a brown haired girl stood behind him with a quizzical look.

"H-Hi Yumi-san." (Y/n) greeting one of his classmates from his many classes. He really hoped that she hadn't seen him doing what he was doing.

"Still as weird as ever." She commented.

"You're friends with this weirdo."

"Begrudgingly." Yumi countered.

(Y/n) laughed off her comment, and the pair were off. Walking through the campus of the university which was littered with several dozen students all around. "So how're your classes going?" He asked.

"Great actually." Yumi answered. "A lot of my Professors are really talented teachers, and I seem to meld well with most of my classmates."

"Glad to see you're having fun." (Y/n) sighed, blowing out a breath of air as he walked.

"Let me guess, you're not making any new friends?" Yumi questioned. "Come on man, you've got to get some friends. You can't expect to hide behind me and Okumura all the time."

"I resent that." (Y/n) countered. "I don't hide behind you and Haru all the time."

Yumi rolled her eyes. "You're right, Okumura-san isn't here right now so you're definitely not hiding behind her." Yumi chuckled at her own remark. "At this point you're never getting a girlfriend."

"I don't need one." (Y/n) simply said.

"Keep telling yourself that hun." She patted him on the shoulder and carried onwards.

(Y/n) shook his head as he followed Yumi. Knowing her the girl probably wanted something to eat, and the fact that the campus had restaurants within it made her quickened pace obvious. He didn't know how he and Yumi had become friends, all he really remembered was that he shared a few classes with her and one day they were just joined at the hip.

He wondered, was this how Joker made friends?

Yumi dragged the male by the hand to quicken their pace, eventually stopping by the cafe that many students frequented on campus. (Y/n) liked the cafe in all honesty, but nothing could beat a house brew from Le Blanc.

Masks: A Persona 5 Makoto x Male Reader InsertWhere stories live. Discover now