Way of Life

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October 1, 20XX

The Phantom Thieves (and (Y/n)) had all just returned to Cafe LeBlanc after a hard day of patrolling around the Metaverse. They may not have found the next Arcana Shadow yet, but that didn't mean they could slack off on their other duties.

"This is awesome!" Ryuji exclaimed, as he took a sip of a cup of coffee Haru had poured out for them. "I'm glad you like it." The heiress chimed. "It's nice to have an opportunity to try new things with all of you."

"The feeling is mutual." (Y/n) replied as he sipped his coffee, Haru chuckled as she silently watched the male. He wouldn't have an outburst like Ryuji, but he was actually liking the coffee. If memory served Haru right, (Y/n) was currently on his 6th cup of the coffee she had prepared.

Haru glanced over to the female beside him, Makoto Niijima a fellow senior. She happily conversed with (Y/n) about her knowledge of coffee while (Y/n) rebutted with some of his own. She was pleased to see the two getting along, after all it had only been about a week since they had revived their relationship. The two seemed to be happy, however they were taking their time with things now.

Haru sat down beside Ann, and enjoyed the ambiance of a Cafe LeBlanc. Haru took a sip of her cup, and watched as (Y/n) walked behind the counter and poured himself another cup. "You seem to like the coffee (Y/n)." She began. (Y/n) merely flashed an okay sign as he sipped the coffee, and sat back down next to Makoto.

"I'll admit, this could give Sojiro's coffee a run for its money." Ren commented, he eyed the coffee with a familiarity and took more sips. "I'm glad you like it." Haru replied. "I'll make sure to have the maids pick up more from wherever they got it from."

Ignoring the fact that Haru had unintentionally flexed how wealthy she was, the group decided to enjoy the coffee. "Haru, this coffee is so..good." Said Ann. "It's so creamy and delicious. I love it! You need to tell me what it's called so I can get some for home."

Haru chuckled. "Thank you. It's....Irish?"

The room fell silent, Haru's eyes went wide as she realized her error. Ren had nearly dropped his cup, while Makoto had spat out the contents of her mouth and started coughing. The latter turned around, and screamed at the younger girl. "Futaba! Stop drinking that!"

Futaba slowly placed the cup atop its saucer, and turned to face the younger Niijima. "Makoto~" she was too late, if Futaba's bright red face and glazed eyes were any indication.

The smaller girl latched onto her with a chuckle. "Makoto, I love you so much~" at this point Futaba was rubbing her face against Makoto's, then grabbed ahold of her face. "You remind me of super hot..." The rest of that statement could not be heard, as Futaba retched and vomited; Makoto screamed as vomit nearly missed her.

Meanwhile Yusuke seemed to begin feeling the effects of the alcohol, showing the exact same signs of drunk-ness as Futaba. "Ryuji, your muscular structure is ideal." Yusuke's sentence was punctuated with a hiccup. "Will you pose nude for me?"

Ryuji was either blushing or very very drunk. As he hiccuped and was most likely rubbing his nose in bashfulness. "What the eff man...you're my bro. Of course I'll do it."

Ren took a preemptive step beside his best friend, wanting to be able to step in if ever the situation called for it.

"Let's do it!" Ryuji exclaimed as he began to take off his shirt. Ren pulled on him, trying to get him to stop. "I don't have a pencil or paper." Yusuke commented. "So I'll just carve it into this table!" Now armed with a fork, Yusuke went to work on the tabletop.

Masks: A Persona 5 Makoto x Male Reader InsertWhere stories live. Discover now