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Image is not mine


October 3, 20XX

Makoto Niijima sat at the dinner table of the Kirijo residence, beside her was (Y/n); her boyfriend. Directly in front of him was her older sister Sae Niijima, who was currently telling stories of her work related escapades. (Y/n) let out a chuckle as he heard something that seemed to catch his attention, however Makoto couldn't help but shudder.

Directly seated in front of her was (Y/n)'s adoptive mother: Mitsuru Kirijo, who seemed to have mastered the ability to shift between moods. One moment she was engaged in a conversation with her sister, then the next she was exerting the weight of the world on her shoulders with a look.

Makoto was sitting upright, trying to play off her discomfort by trying to sync her chuckles with the male beside her when he would chuckle. Makoto jumped slightly when she felt (Y/n) place his hand on hers, her gaze drifted to the male who offered her a smile. "Don't worry." He mouthed to her.

"So Sae-san." (Y/n) began. "You were saying about the person you once prosecuted?" Sae seemed to cringe at the memory. "Imagine this, the courtroom is dead silent. The judge asks him if he has any words for the prosecution, he taps on the mic. Then with all the bravado he could muster, says: "None, your honor. Save for that I think she's the Prosecutest!" The table soon erupts into a laughing fit, even Mitsuru was affected by that as she let out a hearty laugh.

"Knowing you Sae, you must've had him held in contempt." Mitsuru commented. Sae picked up her wine glass, and placed it against her lips. "Naturally." Her response earned another chuckle from (Y/n) which did not go unnoticed by Mitsuru. "Why aren't you in a good mood." She commented. "I wonder why?"

"I think it's fairly obvious why Mitsuru." (Y/n) tilted his head in the direction of his and Makoto's interlocked hands. Mitsuru took a large sip from her glass of wine, (Y/n) knew she was going to bring discussion to the topic eventually. "(Y/n), it seems that we're out of wine." Mitsuru began. "Be a dear, and grab us another bottle from the basement."

(Y/n) raised an eyebrow. "Really? That's your plan?" The Kirijo Death Glare was immediately put into action, (Y/n) raised both his hands in defense. "Fine fine." And left the room, Mitsuru opened her mouth to speak but (Y/n)'s voice from the hallway distracted them once again. "No executing my girlfriend!"

"Mitsuru leaned into the table, her posture resembling that of a mafia boss in a meeting. "I'll be blunt, I don't approve of your relationship with (Y/n)." Makoto flinched, but she had expected this. "The incident at Yakushima made me weary of you, and I have half a mind to keep you two separated." Mitsuru continued. "However, tell me...why should I let this relationship of yours continue?"

"I promise to make (Y/n) happy, I won't hurt him again. I swear." Makoto firmly stated. Mitsuru crossed her arms, and leaned back into her seat. "Miss Niijima, I am a businesswoman. I have heard so many people promise me many things, promises don't mean much to me anymore." Mitsuru finished. "Surely you have a better reason than that."

Makoto looked to her sister who sat beside the redhead, she was as relaxed as could be. "Makoto, don't expect any help." She said. "This is something, you need to do alone. If you're determined to continue this, then convince Mitsuru. Give her a reason to let you stay with (Y/n)."

"I'll ask again." Mitsuru repeated. "Why should I let you stay with my son?"

Makoto froze, she rattled her brain for a reason that Mitsuru would accept. "Because I love him." No that wouldn't work, Mitsuru would never believe that regardless of her true feelings. "Because I want to be with him." No, that was even worse...then it hit her, she knew what to do.

Masks: A Persona 5 Makoto x Male Reader InsertWhere stories live. Discover now