What Could Have Been A Masks Side Story 2

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A/n: Another what if story? Yes, but the last one for this series.

Yes you read right, for this series. (Not so subtle hint)

Place in the timeline: Chapter 6 (Mass Destruction)

Image is not mine


Thursday [3:30 PM]

Hifumi Togo placed the piece on the board, in her mind she had concocted the perfect strategy. However, the male before her was not to be underestimated. He had been a neophyte not too long ago, but he was a skilled strategist in his own right.

(Y/n) Kirijo was his name, Hifumi had met him during a social function and challenged her to a game. An enigmatic figure who seemed to wear a calculating expression upon his face for every scenario. "Is everything alright?" Hifumi asked, her voice soft as she worried about overstepping her boundaries. After all she had only met him a week ago, and a week wasn't a very long time; not counting the fact that this was only their third meeting.

"Why do you ask?" (Y/n) replied, moving a piece forward on his side of the board. His gaze unmoving from the game.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to sound presumptuous." Hifumi paused. "It's just, you seem...different from when I met you." (Y/n) shrugged, and met her gaze. "It's nothing, just some thoughts that have been festering in the back of my mind."

"Is that so?" Hifumi moved a piece. "I didn't take you for someone to be hung up on thoughts." (Y/n) chuckled, and moved another piece. "You'd be surprised, but I suppose you're right. I guess it's because I have no experience in this specific thought."

"Thoughts are nice, they're versatile and genius at times." Hifumi said. "Though they are just that, thoughts."

"It seems that the princess is also a wise sage." (Y/n) teased, Hifumi chuckled moving a piece to counter a move that (Y/n) seemed to be setting up. "It comes with playing Shogi. I may not be a friend of yours like Kitagawa-kun, but I'd be willing to listen if you'd care to share."

(Y/n) sighed, and nodded. "I'm not really versed in romance." (Y/n) began, Hifumi seemed to know where this was going. "I see, you plan to confess to someone but are to afraid to do so as she might reject you." Hifumi placed her hand on her chin, a pose that had become synonymous to Hifumi whenever she entered his thoughts.

"You have nothing to worry about (Y/n), from our interactions you seem to be a delightful person." Hifumi added. "You're kind, patient, soft-spoken albeit a bit snarky at times. You'd make a delightful romantic partner." She said finishing with a smile.

(Y/n) smiled, looking back to the board with an expression Hifumi could only describe as hurt. "Your listening needs work Hifumi." (Y/n) said moving a piece.

"O-Oh, was I wrong?" She flushed. "I'm sorry for assuming." (Y/n) shook his head, assuring her that it was fine. "Frankly you're not too far off." (Y/n) began. "I actually had a girlfriend."

"Had?" Hifumi asked.

"A few days before I met you, I suppose you could say we had a falling out." (Y/n) admitted. "I was optimistic, too optimistic I suppose when I thought that nothing could go wrong." (Y/n) finished his move, and sighed. "I concede."

"Huh?" Hifumi wondered, surprised at why he would concede. She looked at the state of the board, and found that there still many possible moves that (Y/n) could make to defeat her. She looked at his face and understood, he had lost the will to continue playing.

Just how badly had this hurt him?

"I understand." Hifumi assured. "Would you like to just talk instead?" (Y/n) nodded, and moved to help Hifumi put away her shogi set. The pair moved meticulously, and quietly put away the game. There may not have been many people in the church, or any people at all for that matter, but they knew better than to make unnecessary noise in a place of worship.

Masks: A Persona 5 Makoto x Male Reader InsertWhere stories live. Discover now