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Edited: 11 October, 2021


May 26, 20XX

It would often take a few days before the next Shadow would be found, Mitsuru was in charge of that. So the Phantom Thieves would often just go about their daily lives, and enter the Metaverse whenever they felt like it or if Futaba saw that someone had been abducted into the distorted world.

Currently (Y/n) was with his friend's namely Ren, Ann, Ryuji, and Futaba who had managed to find themselves seated at a small restaurant where Ann had practically begged them to accompany her.

"Thanks for coming out here with me guys." Ann smiled as she scooped a spoon of ice cream into her mouth. 

Ryuji sighed, allowing his shoulders to sag. "It's not like we had a choice."

Ren and (Y/n) were engaged in some sort of silent conversation while Futaba tinkered on her phone as usual. (Y/n) raised an eyebrow when he saw Ann and Ryuji glance at him from their side of the table. "What?"

"Dude, you ever think you could have a bit more personality?" Ryuji asked earning an elbow to the ribs courtesy of Ann. (Y/n)'s neutral expression did not changed as he took a sip of the water the staff had brought them all. "What?" Ryuji asked directing his question at Ann. "I'm just saying, he doesn't act like he has any fun."

"Maybe (Y/n)'s idea of fun is different from yours." Ann scolded, Futaba seemed to have had enough of their bickering and brought her headphones up to her ears. Her smile grew as she continued to tinker on her phone.

 Ren turned to (Y/n). "Something bothering you?"

(Y/n) shook his head, not wanting to tell anyone of what happened between him and Makoto. He thought it was best for no one to be the wiser of what happened, he wouldn't tell anyone not unless Makoto wanted to do so. (Y/n) made a mental reminder to convince Mitsuru to keep her mouth shut when he got home.

"Well I'm bored." Ryuji began. "Anybody got anything they wanna share?"

"I honestly wanna know more about (Y/n)." Ann began. "You've been with us for a while now, and aside from hunting Shadows and school we don't really know much about you." Ann's statement made the majority of the table agree.

Did someone say (Y/n)?

Morgana peeked out of Ren's bag as he heard Ann utter those words. "I'm curious to know more about you too (Y/n)."

"I see, is that so?" (Y/n) replied.

 The group realized that this would be a difficult task to do, so they decided (without telling Ren.) that Ren should be the one asking questions. "Okay Joker, you start us off."

That seemed to catch Ren off guard, but as expected of the leader of The Phantom Thieves he quickly regained his composure. "So (Y/n), what kind of girl do you like?"

Ann and Ryuji quickly snapped their heads to towards their leader who seemed to have skipped so many other questions. Though they were curious to know regardless, even Morgana who was peeking out of Ren's bag more than usual and risking getting caught to know the details.

(Y/n) looked down at the table. "I never really thought about that."

"Oh c'mon that's cheating." Ann replied. 

(Y/n) glanced over to the model, and let a small smile be shown. "I don't know what to tell you Ann, it's like Ryuji said. I guess I don't have that much of a personality." (Y/n)'s expression changed however slightly it was, to one that reflected somberness. "I guess that my lack of a personality makes me...dull in every sense of the word. Fighting the Shadows is probably the most exciting thing in the world, but I don't even bat an eye when I'm facing them...I guess something really is wrong with me huh?"

Masks: A Persona 5 Makoto x Male Reader InsertWhere stories live. Discover now