As The Hours Go By

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A familiar sickly green night sky greeted (Y/n)'s gaze as he looked up. A ring of pillars stretched up to the moon, it was like an altar or an arena.

You find yourself here once again?

Behind the male was a tall faceless figure, ebony wings that sucked all the light into them were spread wide. (Y/n) remembered from what Mitsuru had told him, this was Nyx or at least an avatar of Nyx that could tread in the mortal world.

Words died in (Y/n)'s throat as he found himself unable to speak, Nyx towered over him those vacant eyes that decorated the pale mask stared into his soul. He felt as if he was stripped naked and thrown into the middle of Shibuya, that's how deep that gaze penetrated his soul.

Death walks the realm of man, be weary.

(Y/n) wanted to protest, but he couldn't he needed answers.

You're about to lose everything...


(Y/n)'s eyes snapped open, his first instinct was to bolt upright but the arm that ran across his chest kept him laying down. Beside him Makoto was sleeping soundly, the stress his nightmare had caused him had all but disappeared when he saw the brunette beside him.

A light blush crept up on his cheeks, seeing Makoto dressed in nothing but his Jack Frost t-shirt, and her underwear. Makoto shuffled in her sleep, pressing up against him. Her bare thigh brushing up against his, hormones be damned (Y/n) shut his eyes desperately trying not to pitch a tent.

(Y/n) reached out for his phone, and powered it on to check the time.

October 19, 20XX [4:56 AM]

(Y/n) sighed, at least his nightmares let him sleep for a few hours. Honestly this nightmare seemed tame compared to the others, Makoto shuffled once more probably because she felt the male she was holding onto.

Then (Y/n) noticed that she wasn't shuffling because she felt him move, she was dreaming. Makoto's arms would move and twitch in short bursts of movements, and as (Y/n) listened closely he could hear Makoto grunting and breathing in a certain pattern.

She was fighting in her sleep.

The male chuckled, and propped his head up on his hand as he watched her face her foe in her dreams. "Woo go Makoto." He whispered, Makoto's fighting grew more steady, then she began grunting. "C'mon Makoto don't give up." A wry smile made its way to (Y/n)'s features as he leaned into her forehead and planted a kiss.

Then Makoto growled, (Y/n) raised a brow she seemed to be muttering something. Leaning in closer, (Y/n) could barely make out the words she was saying. ""

"What was that Mako?" He teased, brushing a strand of hair from her face. A sleepy smirk decorated Makoto's features. "Fist of Justice..." Oh, (Y/n) realized her little special move the other members of the Phantom Thieves had mentioned every now and then.

"Use it again Makoto, beat the-" what followed next was a grunt, and a nauseating pain. (Y/n) bit the inside of his cheeks trying to stop the cry of pain that threatened to escape his lips. Makoto was a lot stronger than she looked, he should've been used to the fact at this point.

However knowing and feeling were two very different things, (Y/n)'s pain had yet to subside as Makoto had yet to retract her fist from his stomach.

"You okay (Y/n)?" Makoto asked sleepily, the male let out a whimper. "Y-You saved me Queen." A content smile appeared on her face as she buried her face into the crook of (Y/n)'s neck. "Good...I love you...."

Masks: A Persona 5 Makoto x Male Reader InsertWhere stories live. Discover now