Recovery Period

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Edited: January 01, 2023


June 11, 20XX

The Phantom Thieves were all seated around in the common room of the Kirijo summer home. An uncomfortable silence permeated the air, Makoto was especially uncomfortable having Mitsuru's gaze occasionally land on her.

Fuuka, Yukari, Aigis, and Ann came into the room. The former looking exhausted, Mitsuru rushed to her friends her gaze begging for a report on the condition of her son. "He's fine Senpai." Fuuka began. "I'm worried more about Yukari-san, she had to use all of her healing skills repeatedly."

The brunette waved her off, saying she was fine. The group mentioned had just returned from the Metaverse, using their Personas to expedite (Y/n)'s recovery with whatever skills they could.

"Yamagishi." Mitsuru began. "How's his condition?"

Fuuka sighed. "Like I said he'll be fine, he's resting now. Though you should bring him to a doctor once we get back." Mitsuru nodded. "I understand." She turned to the Phantom Thieves. "I assume you're all tired, I thank you all for your efforts tonight."

"It's no problem. (Y/n) is our friend, we'd do anything for him." Mitsuru looked over to Ryuji who expressed this, and bowed in thanks. "Tomorrow we won't be training, you should all use it to recover. Enjoy the island, the choice is yours."

Mitsuru turned on her heel, and walked off. The veteran Persona users that were present did not try to go with her, once they saw her face they knew it was best to leave her be. Fuuka looked at the clock. "Junpei hasn't come back yet."

"He's probably just being thorough." Said Yukari. "I'm more worried about Mitsuru, I haven't seen her this upset since her father died."

"I suggest letting her be." Aigis chimed in. "We should wait for Junpei-san outside for when he comes back." The three agreed and vacated the room, leaving the Phantom Thieves by themselves.

"S-Should we all go to sleep?" Morgana asked.

"I...I think I'll stay up for a bit." Makoto replied. "You guys go on ahead."

Haru placed a hand on her friend's shoulder. "Mako-chan it's not your fault, those Shadows were just too powerful."

Makoto swallowed the lump in her throat, hearing her friend try to console her only made her guiltier. "No, it is my fault." That comment caught most of them off guard. "You all need to hear this, you all need to know the truth."

And so she did, she told them everything. From her outburst, to her feelings for Ren, to what happened in the cave. When she was finished she had began to cry, she had almost gotten someone killed because of her own selfishness.

"Let's all go to bed." Ann began. "We'll check on (Y/n) tomorrow, if he's awake that is."

The group seemed to agree, and began to disperse. Makoto however still remained seated, her tears still falling. A hand appeared in her field of vision, prompting her to look at its owner. "I meant all of us." Ann said. "Let's go rest."

"Ann I-"

The blonde shook her head. "No I'm sorry, I was pretty harsh with you earlier. I guess I forgot that you were hurting too." Ann reached down, and embraced her friend. Makoto at this point had lost all restraint, and began sobbing into Ann's shoulder.


Mitsuru Kirijo would not leave (Y/n)'s bedside tonight, or for the next night so long as he wouldn't wake up. There wasn't much she could do, in all honesty she hated herself at the moment. This feeling of helplessness, the fact everything that could be done had already been done.

Masks: A Persona 5 Makoto x Male Reader InsertWhere stories live. Discover now