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Edited: January 26th, 2022


June 8, 20XX

Ryuji are you sure you should be doing that?

(Y/n) asked the blonde, he took a cautionary step back as he watched Ryuji begin mixing chemicals. He looked back to Ren who had managed to get Ann as his lab partner, Ren offered him a sympathetic smile.

The two classes just had to merge during science class, and Mishima just had to have food poisoning that day. (Y/n) didn't realize the mistake he had made when he picked Ryuji to be his lab partner without a second thought.

All he could do was be prepared for the aftermath. Goggles were on, lab coat fasted, the gloves fit him like...well gloves. It wasn't even 10 minutes into the class, and Ryuji had managed to mix together some concoction of all the chemicals the teacher had given them.

"See dude, nothing to worry about." Ryuji boasted. Ann and Ren had already managed to hide themselves behind their tables, it took all of (Y/n)'s reflexes to duck underneath his table and pull Ryuji down with him at the same time as the chemical mixture shook, and exploded.

The room filled with a sickly yellow colored miasma that had everyone coughing and hacking, the room was evacuated soon after. The teacher was the last one out, and forcefully shut the door behind him. "Is everyone okay?"

"No one seems hurt teach." Ryuji replied.

The teacher breathed a sigh of relief. The door to the class next door opened, and out came Miss Kawakami hacking and coughing like the class that was in the science lab. The room quickly evacuated, as she shut the door just as a yellow mist began to leak out of the room.

"Wait a minute how did that happen?!" Ryuji asked.

(Y/n) took off his goggles and ran down the next class over and opened the door to find the yellow mist beginning to leak into the class from the ventilation shaft. "Everyone out! There's been an accident in the science lab!"

The class exited the room, and (Y/n) repeated the act once again on the neighboring classrooms. When he got back to his class the teacher had complimented him on his quick thinking, then he landed his gaze on Ryuji who was trying to sneak away.

"This is why you don't mix things in willy nilly." (Y/n) deadpanned. "You're lucky no one got hurt." The male looked over to Ren and Ann, the latter was sniffing her hair and then retched after doing so.

"You okay?" (Y/n) asked.

"I'm fine, it's my hair. It stinks now." Ann replied, as she landed a punch on Ryuji's shoulder making him flinch. "Next time you let (Y/n) do the mixing."

"Noted, but for real how was I supposed to know that would happen?" The blonde asked. He looked around, and saw many students still coughing and complaining about the stench. "Well at least it's over now."

I wouldn't say that...

The group turned around, and saw Makoto standing behind Ryuji. A disturbingly sweet smile decorated the student council president's features, prompting the rest to step back. (Y/n) waved at her, the brunette promptly waving back before directing her attention back to the blonde.

Let's have a talk Sakamoto-Kun...


Mitsuru Kirijo for once in her life was speechless, as she read the text (Y/n) had sent her detailing the events of today. She'd get a headache if she kept thinking about it, and instead decided to keep her phone.

Masks: A Persona 5 Makoto x Male Reader InsertWhere stories live. Discover now