The Battle For Everyone's Souls

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Word Count: 13,966

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November 15 [12:00 AM]

//Dark Hour//

Makoto Niijima could only look forward at the empty house, it remained unchanging like the clocks on the wall. So much had happened in an instant, and she couldn't process it all.

(Y/n) was gone...

Taken by that madman who saw death as a form of salvation, her shock quickly turned to white hot anger. She let out a roar as her first collided with the wall beside her, the wall beside her caving inward thanks to her enhanced strength that the Dark Hour seemed to grant her.

"Mako-chan!" A voice called out, Makoto quickly turned her head at the voice. Haru Okumura flinched at the expression Makoto wore, the heiress's panicked expression was enough to make Makoto falter.

A hot gradual pain began to radiate from Makoto's hand, she slowly retracted it from the wall. Seeing her bloodied hand seemed to calm her down. " he?" She asked, still in denial.

"Yes." Haru replied. "(Y/n) is gone..."

Makoto's legs gave out, she fell to the ground. The tears dripping from her eyes without her consent, she tried to remain strong. She needed to think of a plan to get (Y/n) back.

She needed to...

"Makoto." A second voice called out to her, at her side she saw the cascading scarlet hair of Mitsuru Kirijo. She looked into her eyes, she got the message loud and clear. Now was not the time to feel bad about what had happened, (Y/n) had already told them what to do.

Makoto nodded, wiping away the tears that had yet to fall. "Good, you're intact." Mitsuru began. "Haru, please tend to Makoto's hand. I'll gather the others."


The group sat in the dimly lit living room of the Kirijo household, the Phantom Thieves were all in varying states of calm. Makoto was annoyed at herself for coming apart, tje others had done the same but she could have helped mitigate the aftermath. They had wasted enough time calming down, she wanted to jump into the Metaverse as soon as she could.

"Is this okay?" Haru asked, tightening the bandages she had wrapped around Makoto's inured hand. The brunette nodded, as she flexed and curled her fingers. "It's fine, thank you Haru."

Makoto turned to Mitsuru who sat in her usual seat, she was still the image of grace and regality. She seemed to be deep in thought, Mitsuru couldn't afford to be weak she needed to think.

"What's our plan Mitsuru?" Ren was the one to break the silence, but the Kirijo matriarch merely shook her head. "Nothing, we need to wait until the Dark Hour concludes."

"What?! No!" Makoto exclaimed. "Every second we wait, is another second that (Y/n) stays in Takaya's hands." Ryuji burst from his seat. "Queen's right, we gotta go after them."

Mitsuru sighed, rubbing her temples. "Then take us into the Metaverse then."

"With pleasure!" Ryuji said, pulling out his phone with a cocky smirk. "Wait...what?" Ryuji's forceful taps could be heard from where Mitsuru sat. "C'mon work!" Ryuji said, already frustrated before he turned to Ann. "Ann try yours."

"That won't work." Mitsuru calmly said. "No electronics can function during the Dark Hour." Makoto's eyes widened, her thoughts tumbled out from her mouth without her even realizing it. "We can't reach (Y/n)..."

Masks: A Persona 5 Makoto x Male Reader InsertWhere stories live. Discover now