The Magician

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Image is not mine

Edited: September 27, 2021


Glancing up at the night sky, felt unnatural. The green sickly hue of the sky, and the sudden enormity of the moon was so unnatural, the air felt heavy.

"That was only my temporary name, not that I didn't like it."

Far above nearing the sky, a figure floated above. Raven wings, and a massive sword the figure's face was plain, a white mask. Devoid of any emotion, what was this thing?

"I existed only as the harbinger of death."

These memories aren't mine, who's were these? My head spun, and with every passing moment I felt my mind unraveling. Flashes of people I didn't know, I felt my heart being ripped apart, why was I feeling this way for people I've never met?!

I felt the familiar cold sensation of an Evoker against my temple, I couldn't move. I was forced to look at the figure in the sky, whosever hand this was holding the Evoker didn't budge as I tired to force it away from my head.


As the trigger was pulled, the world went white. The last thing he managed to see was long flowing scarlet hair...

April 17, 20XX

(Y/n) (L/n) shot out of bed, clutching his chest and breathing rapidly. He was drenched in sweat, and if panic had a scent he'd wear it like perfume. His eyes dragged to the nightstand where his Evoker rested, then just beyond it where his alarm clock was.

He had gotten up a whole 30 minutes before his alarm went off, (Y/n) decided to get up. There wasn't any point in going back to sleep if he'd just have another nightmare about whatever that was.

(Y/n) glanced at his phone, and dialed in a number. It was early, but he needed answers. As the phone rang, and the sleepy "hello" came from the other end, (Y/n) decided to cut right to the chase.

"Aunt Mitsuru we need to talk."


Ren Amamiya sat on the roof along with the rest of his schoolmates who were part of the Phantom Thieves, enjoying their lunches while at the same time enjoying each other's company.

"Ugh, where is he?" Ryuji asked.

"He'll be here, don't worry." Makoto replied. "He doesn't seem like the type to leave people up in the air." 

Ann raised an eyebrow. "Oh? How would you know Makoto?"

"What're you getting at Ann?" Makoto asked, the others listening in.

"I'm just saying, (Y/n) is pretty good looking isn't he?"

Makoto's cheeks colored a shade. "W-What's that got to do with anything?"

Ann's devious smile became unsettling to Makoto, she knew the blonde was a trickster through and through almost as much as Ren himself. It was at times like these Makoto wished she was still neck deep in paperwork in the Student Council office.

Before Makoto could reply, the sound of the rooftop's metal door opening caught their attention. It was (Y/n), now sporting a hoodie underneath his Shujin Academy jacket much like Ann. They recognized the hoodie as the one he wore the day they met him in the Metaverse.

In his ears were a pair of wired headphones, which he hung around his neck as he gave curt bow to greet everyone present. "Did I keep you all waiting long?"

Masks: A Persona 5 Makoto x Male Reader InsertWhere stories live. Discover now